Dairy free/Vegan friends needed😊

Being dairy free it’s usually easier to opt for vegan options, so it would be fab if any Dairy free/vegan friends could add me to compare recipes and best food alternatives😋


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,838 Member
    You might enjoy the Happy Herbivores group here, if you haven't already discovered it:


    It's only moderately active, but there's lots of good info accumulated there.

    Me, I'm just a long-term ovo-lacto vegetarian, so personally likely not much help to you at all, I'm sorry to say.

    Wishing you much success anyway!
  • zoeconway20
    zoeconway20 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks, it’s greatly appreciated and I’ve just joined the group now!😊