Starting over yet again

Hi all! I’m not new to MFP, I just don’t tend to stick with it. Hopefully the ninety billionth time of starting up again will do the trick!

I’m 52 and a teacher and teaching in person 5 full days a week with all the crap that got thrown at us this pst year did me in and I have finally accepted the fact that if I don’t get healthy I won’t last much longer. So I signed up with a coach that is able to help me work on the psychology of my eating as well as the fitness. I’m using MFP to help hold me accountable.

I’m looking forward to being back!


  • crshukis2016
    crshukis2016 Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning (for me!) I’m a retired teacher and I can relate to your story. I’ve been trying and trying. Maybe I just need a buddy. Are you interested?
  • lose4life4me
    lose4life4me Posts: 2 Member
    Good Morning, I am starting MFP again...also. I would be your partner crshukis. I just went for a 20 min walk!
  • Lulabelle1013
    Lulabelle1013 Posts: 3 Member
    I’d love some buddies!