Sayonara Scale

Hi friends! Just wanted to introduce myself and share some motivation. I'm not new to this app but I am new to the community! I decided to go on my current fitness journey sans scale. For me, I am incapable of staying motivated with a scale in my apartment because I put my worth into the number and it gets obsessive for me. So this time, I'm intuitively eating whole foods when I'm hungry and loading up on plenty of veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats (namely avocado and olive oil) which helps me actually feel full for once. I track my progress by paying attention to my macros, how I feel throughout the day, and any physical changes I see in my body. I've found the scale to be crippling for motivation, especially in a plateau or if your weight loss is going as fast as you want. Don't even get me started on extra water weight. I also know it's just water weight but it's the worst feeling to see a higher number when you're working so hard. So, my advice after this whole paragraph, is if motivation is lacking, step away from the scale for a few days. Take some time to enjoy life, do what makes you happy, and keep working hard. :)


  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I can definitely relate to THE NUMBER completely making or ruining my day, and have often gone for months at a time without weighing just to keep me out of that headspace.

    But I have also learned that even if I don't weigh I HAVE to log honestly and accurately because any "intuition" related to food at my birth was erased or rewired by the age of six when I ballooned and lost the ability to listen to my body or know when to say when.

    My calorie count is "the number" that I focus on now. Without weighing portions and tracking--even for a day or two-- I can easily consume twice what my body needs.
  • mvarraveto
    mvarraveto Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah absolutely. I log my food every day too. When I say intuitively, I mostly mean that I tend to eat less starchy foods on days when I don’t workout or if it’s a light exercise day. I do indulge in snacks - love a good sweet potato chip - but I eat according to portion size. I ballooned at 18 so I totally get the feeling