Can you say 350lbs

jpwarner Posts: 194 Member
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
Hello every one. I been working on loosing weight through the V.A. over the past few months and just join this site which I think will help me even more.

I have a long way to go, but plan on making my goals. For me it is either, loose weight and get healthy, or die. I was that close.... :sad:


  • jpwarner
    jpwarner Posts: 194 Member
    Hello every one. I been working on loosing weight through the V.A. over the past few months and just join this site which I think will help me even more.

    I have a long way to go, but plan on making my goals. For me it is either, loose weight and get healthy, or die. I was that close.... :sad:
  • become28
    become28 Posts: 12
    Good for you for joining us here! I just joined two days ago and already LOVE it!! Good luck!!
  • racoon1
    racoon1 Posts: 78
    The great news is if u stick to the program most of the weight will melt off rather quickly the bad news is the last 5- 10 lbs is stubborn. many are always trying new fads and looking for the quickest way to loose weight but the math is simple if you eat healthy, excercise, and reduce reasonable calories you will loose weight, thats what makes MFP a great place to be. WELCOME ABOARD!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    J.P let me start this out by saying.....Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And now good for you on tryin. I just joined today too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So if you need any tips or someone to just light the fire under your tuckus, you let me know...............I will move over and you can share the fire under my butt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will get there, set reasonable goals and get movin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    That's right- reasonable and realistic goals are key words. :)
  • rayneenie
    rayneenie Posts: 177 Member
    With 100 plus pounds to lose the key is to be determined and stick to it. I also notified the people in my life that have a tendency to either be negative or tell me how to do things that they had to just keep their mouths shut through this journey. My mom (the biggest "do it my way" person I know) has finally come to grips with the fact that I can do it my own way and succeed. This has been a tremendous help. Take pride in the small steps and share them with the world. I started a blog and I blog most of my weight loss my friends and family have joined the support band wagon this way. Don't let yourself be too discouraged setbacks happen. Tomorrow is a new day! Most of all remember to take advantage of the support you have here. Lots of the people here know what it is like to need to lose what you need to lose and everyone here is very supportive.

    Welcome and Good Luck!:flowerforyou:
  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
    You have already lost so much, which is fantastic! I know that your many kids and grandkids will just be thrilled to have that much less of you to hug and play with!

    Good luck, you'll be great.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Congrats on taking this step to help you on your journey! Having the support here and the tools to help, you will be at your goal before you know it. I used to not want to lose weight because it just seemed like it would take so long. I was 270 lbs in September and kept saying "It will take FOREVER to even get under 200!!!"........ then I started to think."Hmm, well....that time will pass ANYWAY. The days will turn into weeks and weeks into months....ANYWAY and FOREVER will pass ANYWAY....why don't I just lose weight slowly and healthy WITH IT!! LOL! And now, as of 2 Thursdays ago, I was 195. (I didn't weigh this past Thursday because I am trying to space the weigh-ins out) I am most likely even less than that by now and will find out this Thursday.

    My advice is to just take it a week at a time. Don't weigh more than once a week...even push it to twice a month if you want. But don't make the scale the be-all-end-all of how you are doing. Eat foods good for your body and foods that will satisfy you. Watch your portions, drink H2O and exercise. Simple method to lose weight that every single person can do.

    Good luck and keep up the great work!
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    Welcome JP:smile: I know your going to find this easy to stay with and find yourself feeling more healthier then ever. There is great support here and if you ever have any questions , or just need to talk to someone we are all here.
  • chriss1tt
    chriss1tt Posts: 365 Member
    welcome to u. :drinker:
  • jpwarner
    jpwarner Posts: 194 Member
    Thank you every one, I must say I was surprised this morning when I logged on and check the responses. It is so comforting to know there is just a great support base to tap into.
  • dshandt
    dshandt Posts: 192
    Just want to join in the welcoming crew. I have a bro-in-law your size who I wish would stick with the weight loss program.....he has diabletes and had a stint put in his heart last year, and he is only 59. He went through the cardiac rehab program, was watching his diet, lost about 40 pounds, then went back to completely sedentary life-style and fast food twice a day, six days a week. I am so saddened because he was making such progress. But we all need to make our own decisions, no one can do it for us! Your kids and grandchildren (not to mention your lady friends :wink: ) will thank you for being around and feeling better while you are around!!
    I know this site can help you keep your eye on the target. Congratulations on your progress so far!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Sounds like you really only have one choice - get healthy! You've come to the right place, people here are great, and really supportive. Plus the information on the site, and the calorie counters are godsends. Good luck, you will do it!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Welcome to MFP, it is an awesome place to be, you're going to love it! :drinker:
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    Welcome JP!
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    Welcome! Your second inspiration is so funny!
  • Go you! I watched my dad have a heart attack and it still hasn't motivated him enough! I wish you a ton of sucess and a happy healthy life! Your family appreciates it!
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It is great to have you here. I have seen your posts a few times. Enjoy everything here.

    You can do this:bigsmile:
  • rdhd2021
    rdhd2021 Posts: 5
    Great job at wanting to turn you life around. i watched my father die of heart attack the the age of 47. My mother has alot of heath and heart problems. Ido not want to join them with there problems. I will be glad to help motivate you at any time. Keep up the good work
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