Weighing in...in the red corner

leakewh Posts: 91 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I usually weigh myself twice a week....Monday and Friday morning...Friday morning so I can see how "bad" I can be for the weekend and Monday morning to see how "bad" I was. It seems to be working out for me. I weigh in first thing in the morning after I "water the flowers" (8 am this morning). This morning I decided to weigh myself after breakfast (around 11:30am). I had 3 hard boiled eggs and a 4 oz steak. I also had 3 diet cokes in the interim...I know, I know...I'm not perfect.....The total caloric intake was 450. Upon weighing in the second time, I weighed 3.8 lbs. more than previous...I know fractional weigh gain is normal...I have the following questions about everyone's weigh in process....

1. If you weigh in in the morning....do you weigh in before eating or after....?

2. Has anyone else tried this experiment and if so how much weight have you gained...?

3. Which of the 2 weigh ins would you consider to be a better representation of my actual weight...?


  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    I weigh in before eating for the day. I have seen a weight gain of 4lbs during the day ( from random checking of the scale ) .

    Its not so much your weight as your weight loss you are trying to track. So do it first thing in the morning and your results will be more consistent.
  • shell1205
    shell1205 Posts: 138
    Yes, I've done this... and quickly stopped, because it depressed me!! OR, to be more honest, I still do it from time to time, but don't let it get to me!!

    I ALWAYS use my weight first thing in the morning, after the "pit stop," and before I do ANYTHING else!! I believe this is the most accurate, because once you eat something, your body starts doing all this "stuff," for lack of a better term. You will retain and loe water, and your body will be burning the calories you put into it. My weight generally fluctuates 2 - 3 pounds throughout the day, so I've learned to rely more on the first thing in the morning weigh-in as my benchmark.

    Just my thoughts... hope it helps!!
  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    The best representaion is first thing in the morning, naked, after "watering the flowers" as you put it. I have done a similar experiment though I don't remember the results. But I also (often) weigh at bedtime and then first thing in the morning...curious about how sodium/water consumption effects things. I often see a 3 to 5 pound difference!
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    personally i do not weigh until i go to Dr. which is once a month or every two months. This works for me. Here is my reasoning behind it
    This is just me.

    if i weigh and don't see a loss or only a lb or 2, i get very discouraged and quit. Have done that for years. resulting in never being successful in my weightloss.

    although it is quite a time span, when i see 10 or 15 lbs gone, i stay encouraged.

    by not getting on the scale i don't feel like i am "dieting", i act "as if" these are the foods i just always eat, and it is working, becoming a pattern to make the healthier choice.

    I admire all of you who can get on the scale and not let it sway you to give up, i have decided that the scale is NOT my friend LOL

    wishing everyone a success journey and i say whatever works do it and do more of it.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    I weigh every week the same day before breakfast. I also weigh on Monday after the week-end, but don't log it. I only log my weight on Saturday.
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    "watering the flowers"? I may be no expert but I do not think that changes your weight. However if you are referring to your morning potty break then yeah I do that in the am before eating and weigh myself booty naked. lol.

    Sorry I am a smarta$$!!!!! I could not resist!
  • turboandrea
    turboandrea Posts: 108
    I used to do this but now I realize that weighing in on Fridays kind of encourages me to overindulge on the weekends. Since my weigh-in days are now Sundays or Mondays, I have to be held accountable for my Friday and Saturday actions. It's been working so far and really helps me commit to my new lifestyle.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i sometimes weigh in before and after i poo so i can see how much "it" weighed. gross, but true.
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