Nothing is working

lorraineterras Posts: 1 Member
I have been on a deficit for 12 weeks and only lost 7 pounds and was a bit devistated so started to swim 28 lengths 3 times a week and been doing extra steps. Today i wrighed myself and ive put ob 1 pound. Um so disappointed what can i do? Im 52 and have bad knees so its gard for me. I gutted today 😭😭


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    7 lb in 12 weeks is actually really good, that's a bit over half a pound per week! Well done!

    When you add in exercise, or ramp up the intensity of exercise you're already doing, your body retains water to help repair those muscles you used. If you've been weighing your food and logging it accurately and staying under your calorie budget, you're probably retaining water. Trust the process and stick to your calorie budget. Exercise is not necessary for weight loss, just physical fitness, which is not the same thing.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,223 Member
    For starters, 7lbs in 12 weeks isn't nothing, that's a very respectable 0.58 lb/week. What goal deficit have you been targeting? Depending on how much weight you have to lose you may not be able to sustain a more aggressive loss, though guided setup will allow you to choose up to 2lb/week as a target loss despite there not necessarily being room between your maintenance intake and the minimum recommended daily intake (1200 cal/day) to achieve that loss.