Weighing in...

Ok, I know the scale fluctuates. I hopped on this morning (gently, so as not to break it. haha) and it shows I lost 1.5 lbs. I was really worried about losing this week and in disbelief, I got back on about 5 minutes later and it shows .5 lb lost. Ugh!! So, do I record the 1.5 or the .5?
The last few times I've recorded, I haven't given myself the full credit...I subtract .5 to 1 lb. because I know that fluid causes fluctuation.
What would you do?



  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Make sure your scale is level and you are standing on it evenly. I'd try it one more time and see what it says.
  • Chris_B
    Chris_B Posts: 15
    do the 0.5 and next week when you weigh in you may have a very pleasant surprise.:tongue:
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    I would take the 1.5 and run LOL! Don't get back on it the second time, are your scales pretty accurate? I try not to weigh myself every day but find myself getting on that darned thing at least every other day but I only take Saturday's weight for my official weigh in that I document on here. I made the mistake of checking on a thursday cause I was so close to my first mini goal and guess what, I had did it. Got on the scale for my official weigh in and it was up 2 pounds! It took me 14 days to get those 2 pounds off and show a loss again. In my old life I would have given up right there and started eating like normal but not this time. Thanks to this site, the friends and encouragement I pushed through and now I have almost 5 more pounds off! Keep at it and that .5 or 1.5 won't make a big difference in the long run. It's going to flucuate the whole way!

    Take care and have a great weekend!
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    HA, just noticed you have already lost 44 pounds LOL! What am I rambling on about then...:tongue:
  • LoriLou67
    LoriLou67 Posts: 173 Member
    I'd take the best out of 3!!!
  • debhue75
    debhue75 Posts: 21
    The same thing happens to me. Here's what I do, I grab one of my 5lb dumbells set it on the scale. Then I put both on and make sure the scale is accurate. (I have a digital scale) After that, I'll get on and weigh myself.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I should've said, I am careful about weighing and I know it's a pretty accurate scale because it runs neck-n-neck with all 3 of my doctor's scales (I've come home immediately and weighed myself after the appts lol). I'm neurotic with numbers and accuracy. When I first weighed in, I double check like always. Sometimes, I even triple check. I was so excited to have seen that 1.5 lbs gone that when I went back 5 min. later I was shocked that already I gained a pound??
    This is my dilemma, do I keep short changing myself by subtracting what the scale originally says because I know if I wait, I'll get a different number? Or, do I just record the lowest? Or, do I average the numbers?

    Told ya, I'm neurotic. lol What do y'all do?
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I like the 5 lb. weight idea and will definitely do that to double check my scale.

    lol Katlou, you're not rambling. I kind of feel like the first 30 lbs. was cheating due to being on Lasix (prescription diuretic). Over the winter, I was horribly retaining water...should've been in the hospital but I'm stubborn. That's the other issue, fluid retention is something my body is really sensitive with. I've lowered my sodium to about 1700-1800 mg and that seems to help some, but even the slightest bit over 2000-2400 and it's horrible.
    I love the take the 1.5 and run. I should've!! But, nooooo, I always have to doubt myself and then I end up with a higher number.

    Seriously, can we gain a pound of water weight in less than 2 minutes?? Because that's what seems to happen with me.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    It sure seems like it to me. For some reason, I can go from no puffiness from water retention to so much water retained that my fist wont' close and my knuckles are white...in less than an hour. It is astonishing!

    I'd take the .5 pounds and then see what your next weigh in says. If it's still low, then you won!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    My suggestion would be to weigh ONLY at the same time weekly or daily if you must, but pick a specific time that you can be consistent with; then your weigh-ins should reflect the most accurate data. Personally I only weigh myself around 6am after getting up and using the toilet and have done so for 7 months and record that information only.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Thank you all for the great advice and help!! :)
    Will try to stop weighing multiple times and just stick to one set time so there won't be discrepancies.

    Thanks again!! :)