Trying my best but not dropping fat!! Feeling discouraged



  • audreyajyu
    audreyajyu Posts: 13 Member
    Lietchi wrote: »
    audreyajyu wrote: »
    Lietchi wrote: »
    audreyajyu wrote: »
    88olds wrote: »
    You don’t say what your goal is, but from where you’re starting you are not out to lose a lot. Fact is that weight loss coupled with a high level of fitness is work with tight margins. It can be slow going.

    But if you are going to make it, you have to embrace the lifestyle. In a way, once you’ve done that the time involved becomes irrelevant.

    Now about your seeming lack of progress. No loss or slow loss in the face of new or increased exercise is probably the most frequent complaint on this board. The short answer is water retention. Newly stressed muscles retain water. Same issue is messing with you body comp.

    The whole thing takes longer than we would like. Be persistent and determined. Stay the course. It will work. Eventually you may want to tinker with the numbers. But only think in terms of tinkering and adjusting. Over time small changes can make a big difference.

    Do you feel a difference in your workouts? The same incrementalism you will see working regarding your fitness goals will work for weight loss.

    Hi, thank you so much for this encouraging feedback. I feel much better already. I think instead of weighing everyday I'm going to try once a week instead. I felt more discouraged today because my measurements were almost exactly the same, and I even put on 3 cm more on my arms which was one of the most stubborn areas I wanted to lose fat on.

    My goal is not really to be skinny, I hope to become healthier fat %wise and tone my body.
    My realistic timeline is that by my 30th birthday next April I will feel confident enough to embrace the next stages of my life!!

    I do notice a great difference in my strength during my workouts. I feel stronger and my coordination and balance have both improved.

    Thank you again

    Strength training will cause water retention in the muscles, which can cause swelling (=increase in measurement). It's not fat, just be patient :wink:

    Thank you, I do have a question though , is it possible to gain fat % in this journey? I’m using my moron to weigh myself everyday and the body fat percentage is going up despite my hard work. :(

    Your Omron is a moron, true :wink: body composition scales are notoriously unreliable and can give you a different number just based on your level of hydration. It doesn't actually measure your bodyfat, it measures your electrical resistance and tries to deduce your bodyfat percentage. If it only measures at your feet (nothing to hold in your hands), it's even worse since it's only measuring the electrical resistance in your legs (electricity chooses the shortest path).

    Haha!! Intelligent typo sorry about that :smiley: gyms are closed right now so I had to opt for a lower version of scale for referencing. Very confusing numbers !!