Venting and Advice



  • What helped me immensely is working to get over a "diet" mentality, that feeling that you are "on track" or following the plan, and that if/when you don't, you're "bad" and the whole thing is wrecked. I was very bad for having that attitude, and it did nothing to help me, it only plunged me into a spiral of defeat and even more weight gain.

    So, my advice is to make reasonable, healthy choices that you can sustain, and most importantly forgive yourself. When you have a weekend of bad food, or a piece of cake, or whatever is the particular albatross that dangles around your neck and makes you feel like all is lost- own it, then get over it and make the next meal/snack/workout the best you can. Diets suck and don't work. Living healthfully is a choice, and weight loss success/health success is the culmination of many, many choices. Not all of them will be perfect, love yourself anyways, congratulate yourself on your good choices, and keep on truckin'.
  • Glndgd63
    Glndgd63 Posts: 13 Member
    Loving food is not my issue. I can go all day without eating, but I know that's not healthy. I have diabetes and hypothyroid, which my primary doctor didn't catch until I gained 40 lbs over 1 1/2 years. I finally went to a specialist. Now I am trying to find the right dosage of medication for my thyroid issues. I am always tired and fatigued. I was doing very well with the diabetes but I keep getting more restrictions on the fruits I love. One visit he says apples are good then the next it depends on how many you eat. I used to be a vegetarian but recently started eating fish and chicken. Anybody else have these issues? I am very frustrated and about to slap my doctor!!!:frown:

    I am new to the site, only been doing this for about a month. I also have the diabetes issue. Different foods affect different people differently. My adult daughter lives wth me. We are both using MFP. She can eat the same exact thing as me, and our BS readings are totally different. Apples are something that spike my sugar, but I can eat melons all day without a spike. Closest advise I can come up with is find out which foods affect your sugar the most. Take a reading, then eat the questionable food, wait an hour and take another reading. Do that with any food that you think might send you on a spike. I can eat a piece of cheescake (plain) and have a much lower reaction than what I get from a small apple. We're all different. It takes time to find which foods will work with you.

    PS - since starting on here and actually tracking what I eat and when I eat it, I have managed to lower my average BS reading by over 32 points. Stick with it !
  • LaurieLynn
    LaurieLynn Posts: 58 Member
    New to these boards - not sure what I can add. I am at my heaviest. I have switched to a smoothie for breakfast - which I make from my own ingredients, to suit my taste. Everyone I know who goes on a "cleanse" gains it back two to three days later. If you want to detox add green tea - that you brew - to your liquids- ancient medicine says it helps detox the liver. But as someone said your liver does its' own cleanse --once every 24 hours.

    Your cleanse should be getting rid of processed foods and maybe cleansing your mind of the negative thoughts.Start when you wake up. And every other day after that...feel free to friend me - I could use one.

    You can add me if you like!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    You can still love and eat good food and lose weight too. You can learn to select and cook foods with healthier, tastier ingredients, and you will learn that really, you can have ANYthing planned, controlled amounts. The secret is in portion control, in logging religiously, and in putting thought into what you're eating, not just grazing.
  • I guess I should have mentioned I was walking for 30 mins a day.
  • LittleHungryGurl
    LittleHungryGurl Posts: 26 Member

    Don't do a cleanse.

    Start logging your foods here religiously.

    Watch the trends.

    And reduce your calorie intake.

    So if after a week, you see you've eaten an average of 2500 calories a day.

    Goal yourself to max out at 2300 or 2400 calories.

    Your goal is to get to the point where you're eating less food than it takes to get you through your day.

    That's where it's important to figure out your TDEE (how many calories you burn every day)

    And you BMR (How many calories it takes to do nothing everyday)

    If you can get to the point of only eating your BMR calories, that's a good place to be.

    When I first started a healthier lifestyle I was 255lbs and stood 5'7". I did not cut any food out the first month instead I limited my portions until I really didn't feel like I needed that extra serving of potatoes or rice. It helped a lot. I lost 15 lbs the 1st month. It was a nice kickstart.

    And start walking.

    Also, remember you CAN do this!!!

    None cleanses, no magic pills, no fads, no diets. Lifestyle change. You can eat the food you love and still lose weight. I'm proof. :)

    You got this!!!
    I agree with all the above...nothing else needs to be said said except... Good Luck on your journey.