Need another reason to start weight training?

BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
Interesting read.....

"The results add to mounting scientific evidence that resistance exercise has unique benefits for fat loss. They also underscore how extensive and interconnected the internal effects of exercise can be."


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,781 Member
    I can't read that (used up my free article allowance), but I've read studies with similar conclusions (like strength exercise affecting abdominal body fat levels in menopausal women more than other exercise does). I haven't seen it happen IRL, in context of an "on for a few months, off for a few months" lackadaisical approach to strength training on my part. Maybe I don't work hard enough at it, maybe it takes longer, maybe it's too subtle to see.

    I'm not saying the report's inaccurate, I'm just observing that I haven't seen it in my n=1 under the conditions I mentioned, which psychologically makes it less persuasive to me. Since I don't like to strength train, it doesn't take much to dissuade me, takes a good bit to get me back on it, though.

    I totally get that that's an example of dysfunctional decision-making and behavior on my part. 🤷‍♀️