Such a struggle

I was so happy I dropped below 210 last week, only the game TOM show up and add 5lbs back to the scale.
Shouldn't that happen just before TOM and not during?
I know I didn't gain 5lbs, but man if it doesn't get to me anyway😭


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,350 Member
    For me it varies, but it's usually during/at the start of my TOM. And then a few days later I have to pee a lot and it goes back down.
    Hang in there 🙂
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    Everyone's cycle is different. Some retain water before, others during, others after. Try to trust the science and know the water weight fluctuations are temporary. Keep doing what's been working, and the scale will eventually show you some love. :)