New here

Colelet Posts: 1 Member
Hello - I’m new to MFP. Looking to get some encouragement toward putting my physical health at the top of the priority list. I am at the start of the weight loss journey and have put this off since the birth of my daughter nearly 9 years ago. I’m feeling both excited and a little nervous about this challenge. My goal weight is 75lbs away and that looks like a loooong stretch of road to travel.


  • SeanW79
    SeanW79 Posts: 81 Member
    While I am barely going myself I can say you made a big step in putting your decision into action. A 75 lb loss is a big goal but you can do it. Set smaller goals as well. Look at them as milestones are markers along your journey. It will help keep you motivated and encouraged. Welcome aboard!
  • MaeesaAHHH
    MaeesaAHHH Posts: 73 Member
    Same here, since the birth of my son 5 years ago, I have been on the upward spiral. I have decided it is time for a change, I am also a bit of an emotional/bored eater and munch a lot of random food throughout the day. Good luck, you can do it!
  • amybroccoli86
    amybroccoli86 Posts: 22 Member
    Me too!!!! My second child is 6 (he turns 7 in January) and I've gone from 160 pre-pregnancy to almost 240 max! I started my myfitnesspal again 2 weeks ago when I was 235 lb and I've lost 5 lb so far. My goal is to lose 70 more by mid-July 2022! We can do this!!!