Finally Focused

Hey everyone! My name's Jessica. I've been a member of myfitnesspal for quite a while and was doing really good but got side tracked. I'm finally back and seem to be better focused. I recently started a Couch-to-5K program. It seems to have given me the boost I need.

As of right now, I've lost about 80 lbs in the last 3 years. I still have another 80 or so to go. I have no specific number in mind . . . just to a point that I'm fit and happy with my weight and feel good. I did it all by watching my portion sizes and increasing my activity. I power walked, joined a gym, and more power walking. I wasn't so good at the gym . . . mostly because I didn't really know what to do. The C25K program that I started last week is so easy to follow. All I do is listen to the app . . . jog when it tells me . . . walk when it tells me. I like not having to think about my workout.

Anyway . . . good luck to all of you! Send me a friend request (I'm not sure how that works yet) and maybe we can help inspire each other. At the very least maybe you can help keep me honest and focused.
