Frustrated at lack of progress



  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,862 Member
    open your diary.

    without being able to see it, the most any of us can say, truly, is that your logging is likely to be inaccurate.

    in the vast majority of cases, people think they are logging accurately, and they are not.

    No thanks.

    I know my logging is accurate. I input everything properly. According to scale (I have two, so I double check randomly just in case one doesn't work, or the batteries are dying), and I utilize the nutritional facts, or I research it.
    I don't rely on what's posted on this site, as too many are numbered wrong.

    I've been logging data for 15 years. I know what I'm doing in that sense.

    well since you are perfect i guess youve got all this under control and dont need our help.

    best of luck.

    Ooof…. 😖
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,862 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Whether 2lbs or 1lb down is appropriate, we are dealing with 16lbs down and 8" up.

    Not 16lbs down and 0, 1 or 2" up. Not 0lbs down and few inches up; but 16lbs down and 8" up.

    Now if 8" is 0.5 to 1" up from 16 spots I would still vote for measurement error because 16 scale lbs is not minor but a 0.5" tape error is fairly easy to see happening for people without spotting tattoos.

    But if 8" is from one or two spots and 16lbs? This ain't making much sense because all these inches caused by water also have weight.

    So... original scale issue? Sounds unlikely.

    So either it's the body measurements (and if clothes are tighter this would argue against), or I'm joining the get checked out by dr contingent....

    Good job on all the changes you're making!

    I would ask a doctor about this.
  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    Sarcopenic obesity? (Loss of muscle, gain in fat tissue.) I see this in a lot of elderly, and people with chronic illness. I hope you can see your provider, because this seems beyond the scope of us on MyFitnesspal. Wish you the best.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,883 Member
    Depending on where the measurement p
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Whether 2lbs or 1lb down is appropriate, we are dealing with 16lbs down and 8" up.

    Not 16lbs down and 0, 1 or 2" up. Not 0lbs down and few inches up; but 16lbs down and 8" up.

    Now if 8" is 0.5 to 1" up from 16 spots I would still vote for measurement error because 16 scale lbs is not minor but a 0.5" tape error is fairly easy to see happening for people without spotting tattoos.

    But if 8" is from one or two spots and 16lbs? This ain't making much sense because all these inches caused by water also have weight.

    So... original scale issue? Sounds unlikely.

    So either it's the body measurements (and if clothes are tighter this would argue against), or I'm joining the get checked out by dr contingent....

    Good job on all the changes you're making!

    Where the measurement points are may matter, too, as well as how many. I don't know how things look for OP right now, but when I was losing, my fat areas got kind of soft and droopy (where they used to be firmer and rounder at max weight). To the extent there might be some of that going on, I can imagine that possibly certain measurements would increase via gravitation effects on looser body tissue, but that it would eventually pass, as more fat was lost.

    As far as lost pounds, to the extent that a person started with internal visceral fat (inside the body cavity), my understanding is that that fat can be lost first (a boon for the health effects), but potentially there wouldn't necessarily be a corresponding decrease in external measurements.

    However, I do think water retention weirdness is somewhat more probable, and a check-in with the doctor a good idea, out of an abundance of caution.

    I can understand why you'd be frustrated, OP, and I hope you'll hang in there, see how progress goes from here.
  • jak1958
    jak1958 Posts: 82 Member
    » show previous quotes

    well since you are perfect i guess youve got all this under control and dont need our help.

    best of luck.

    @callsitlikeiseeit how compassionate! I guess you think you have it all figured out.. let us know when you get over yourself