Late to the party

But I needed this….. I need to get my drinking under control. I don’t drink for the buzz I drink because I LOVE wine. It’s just become such a constant thing and I drink WAY too much. So thank you for this.

August goal: 10 drinking days and I’m not going to limit my number of drinks because I know I won’t stick to that. But 21 AF days sounds like a good start.


  • 42Amy
    42Amy Posts: 77 Member
    I love wine too. In March I stopped wine and many other foods because I developed gout. I am surprised now because I don't miss it at all. I drink some herbal tea or flavored coffee sometimes when I am out or want something in the evening. You can do this!
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,522 Member
    Try this. Stop saying you love wine. It’s not true. You might like drinking wine more than anything else in the world but that doesn’t make it love.

    One day it occurred to me that if I wanted to get away from emotional eating it would help if I quit bringing in the emotion myself. I love my family. I don’t love chocolate. Never did really. That wasn’t love. Calling it love was an exaggeration and unhelpful in pursuit of my goals.

    BTW the best thing I ever did was give up alcohol completely for several years. Every thing in my life became easier, including weight loss. I thought not drinking would be the death of fun but it was liberation. When I started having a glass here and there that’s how things stayed, a glass here and there. Turns out drinking a lot was just another bad habit. No one was more surprised than me.
  • Garnetbeauty82
    Garnetbeauty82 Posts: 16 Member
    You can do it mama! It’s difficult at first but you’re on the right track with those baby steps!