Runners and Joggers

I recently just started running again after a three-year hiatus. Running demands so much commitment and motivation, I like to find friends who like to encourage one another. It's hard doing on your own.

If you are a runner or a jogger, please use this thread to talk about it.

What is your pre-run rituals? Any tips on running shoes and what app are you using to track your times? Also feel free to add me.


  • nessashaste
    nessashaste Posts: 10 Member
    edited August 2021
    Pre-run I like to brush my teeth, idk why it's become a habit. Also make sure I got a kick-*kitten* playlist lined up so i don't have to skip every other song. Running shoes I recommend whatever works for you, I can't seem to find a specific brand but i've used Nike, New Balance and Adidas currently. I need new running shoes but with every new pair i seem to end up with blisters... so i need tips as well.

    I don't track times anymore, sometimes with Sportstracker to track route or distance but my phone counts steps and i spend an hour or hour and a half jogging. I'm pretty chill about it, it's not like i'm going to compete in any races or i'm training for a marathon.

    Other chill/lazy runners-joggers feel welcome to add me.

    Oh, and going to leave this here
