
Hi Hope everyone is ok
Im gonna go straighten to it.I need help and motivation.One day I do keyo second day WW third day nothing!Im soooo down and my weight keeps going a mommy of two beautiful girls and I need to get back and healthy
Who can add me as friend?I need a friend to take this journey together


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    So you've been at this for three days?

    There's your problem.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    I don't do friend requests, but I do have a few suggestions that may help you along the way :)

    Per @goal06082021 you're not going to see any progress in three days (except for perhaps initial water loss due to reducing carbs by reducing calories).

    Have you set up your account here so you have an idea what your calorie allowance is for weight loss? If so, make sure you're measuring and logging your food consistently so you can track your ups and downs and see what works for you in terms of food choices.

    You can't throw keto (or low carb) randomly into your approach and see any short term progress. You will shed water when you reduce carbs and see a reduction on the scale, but will then regain the water you lost when you eat carbs again. I suggest you pick a consistent approach eating foods you like within your calorie allowance, and give yourself a few weeks to judge your progress. If you aren't losing as expected, take a look at your logging to be sure you're as accurate as possible, and gradually reduce your calories until you are losing as planned.

    Give it time, and don't be discouraged by ups and downs. Weight loss isn't linear, and you want to look at progress over time to see your results. You will see fluctuations day to day and week to week, but if you adhere to your calorie goals most of the time (no need to be perfect), you will see progress.

    Best of luck!
  • jbanta07
    jbanta07 Posts: 15 Member
    edited August 2021
    As @mph323 said, Keto isn't a quick fix to weight loss. Don't buy into those advertisements of people doing those trendy diets where they "lose 60lbs in a month!" That isn't normal.

    I did Keto for a year and a half and was able to lose 30 lbs. It takes probably two weeks of eating less than 50 carbs a day before you're likely to even begin entering ketosis. It isn't easy, and the first time can be very miserable, especially if you are transitioning from a high carb lifestyle. I sunk into a pretty deep depression for my first week. There are a lot of unpleasant side effects that you might experience starting out, and lack of energy is a pretty common one.

    There are a lot of great benefits to doing a ketogenic diet once you actually get into it. I experienced less cravings and had more energy in the morning. But after doing it for over a year, I decided it didn't fit into my lifestyle.

    Regardless of whether you do a specific diet, or just count calories, it is a slow process to lose weight and keep it off. Patience is important. And if you feel miserable or tired all the time, you might need to adjust how many calories you are eating (unless first starting Keto, which can be normal to be tired). Take it day by day, but don't expect to see results for a while.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    External motivation is a myth. It has to come from you. Still, it is very helpful to be able to share your accomplishments with a group. I think an in-person support group is way more motiving than a virtual group, so I highly recommend joining whatever you can, be it an exercise group, a weight loss group, or a support group of any kind (e.g., parenting support group). We are back to social distancing, but maybe we're getting better at it!

    As for personal motivation, I'm a big proponent of the "contract with yourself" approach. Write a document that lays out what you want to accomplish. (Lose a specific amount of weight, get in better shape, read more books, whatever. Performance goals are more motivating than appearance goals, usually. I've heard that dress size goals are problematic. But, hey, these are your goals!) Write down the reasons you want to accomplish your goals. (Specific reasons are better than vague ones.) Write out what behavior is needed to accomplish your goals. (e.g., not eating cookies, walking every day for 30 minutes, attending an exercise class, reading for 30 min per day, etc.) Talk to your family about it and get them to understand why it is important to you and perhaps to them. Enlist help where needed (childcare, cost of classes, etc.) Pick a duration and a start date. Sign the document. Post somewhere conspicuous.

    Creating a catchy title is helpful, like "Mommy's Grand Challenge," or something.

    Let us know if you try this and particularly if it works for you! Best of luck!

  • PopGoesTheCoyote
    PopGoesTheCoyote Posts: 94 Member
    Weight will fluctuate and take a while to go down, especially longer than three days. Some people only lose one pound per week, sometimes less. Sometimes more. It's best to weigh yourself in the morning after you wake up and before you've eaten breakfast, as this is the most consistent point in time for weight and it's usually at its lowest.

    It can help to look at small goals and changes you want to try, especially anything you can consider the most sustainable since building good habits can really help in the long run. This can be something like drinking more water, or choosing to forego a snack.

    There are lots of things to try. It comes down to what works best for you, and what you can reasonable sustain. If you find that you are switching from keto to Weight Watchers, this means you need to choose one method and stick with it, as changing diets like that can be counterproductive. Most people here will advise you to stick with counting calories and forego keto. But it is not my place to determine on your behalf what you should do, regardless of how I feel about these diets. But it would be best to choose a method and stick with it for a few months before you decide if it's not working out for you.

    If you choose to do none of the above, you can still just practice making good choices. For example, you could choose to use salsa instead of ketchup as a condiment, ground turkey instead of ground beef, coffee without sugar, or higher quality chocolates over lower quality chocolates so as to wean yourself out of a candy habit.

    You can do it :). My advice is just to ask yourself what you can sustain doing the longest.