Heart rate watch vs. Bodybug



  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    I love my Gowear Fit. It has opened my eyes up trememdously. The Gowear Fit and the Body Bugg are identical. The only reason they have different names is because 24 hour fitness bought the rights to Body Bugg. I have heard bad reviews about buying the wrist watch though because it seems to be inaccurate. I would recommend just buying the armband.

    The display does have different algorithms than the arm band, because they are simplified to show a fast display. However, the display is accurate to within a few calories over the course of the day. We're talking like 5 or less calories that it may be off. I got my display free with my BB purchase, as well as 6 months subscription. I don't know if I'd say it would be worth the $100 to buy it separately. It's nice to be able to see where you're at without having to upload data, though.