Is there a "mobile" website?

ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Unfortunately I don't have an iPhone or any phone where I can download an MFP app. I do have the internet on my phone, but whenever I come to MFP the site is all squished and it's hard to click on the right thing to get where I want to go. I am going on vacation next week and I won't have computer access. I really don't want to miss logging in because I think it keeps me on track big time. So is there a different site we can login to from phones that doesn't have so much filler on it, but will still link us to our food/exercise journals?


  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I have a similar problem. I have the HTC with windows, but I still can't do anything on it. I hope they get something together soon. :)
  • blankcanvas
    blankcanvas Posts: 177
    I have an i-touch... they have an MFP app..(similar to an i-phone without the phone part and cheaper:) that's how I found MFP and I can log onto a wireless internet and it's been wonderful for tracking food.
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