Not disappointed, just annoyed

vivitori Posts: 9 Member
In the past when I’ve had setbacks, I return to a forum like this one and put up a gut wrenching post about how this has been “a life long battle” and “I’m so disappointed in myself”. I’m actually not disappointed in my self this time around, just annoyed. I think this may be a better mindset because I’m not putting all of this weight on my weight, if that makes sense. As irritating as it is, I’m glad I started on losing the weight again. Maybe I’ll write a book when I get to my goal called “How to lose weight without losing your mind”


  • jbanta07
    jbanta07 Posts: 15 Member
    That is a better direction to be headed! So much of losing weight for me has been overcoming my own mentality. I thought losing weight meant depriving myself. Then I'd beat myself up when I did indulge. And then the thoughts of "I'm a failure" and "I can't do this" and "Why even bother trying if I already messed up" would start to invade my mind.

    I'm more successful (and happier) when I just don't stress. I'm mindful, I recognize that I will sometime eat more calories than I was meant to, or I'll eat something unhealthy. But I just accept that it happened. Maybe I needed a treat for my own mental wellbeing. And then I just get back on track.

    Road bumps happen. Learn from them if you can, but don't let them completely stop you in your tracks!
  • vivitori
    vivitori Posts: 9 Member
    jbanta07 wrote: »
    That is a better direction to be headed! So much of losing weight for me has been overcoming my own mentality. I thought losing weight meant depriving myself. Then I'd beat myself up when I did indulge. And then the thoughts of "I'm a failure" and "I can't do this" and "Why even bother trying if I already messed up" would start to invade my mind.

    I'm more successful (and happier) when I just don't stress. I'm mindful, I recognize that I will sometime eat more calories than I was meant to, or I'll eat something unhealthy. But I just accept that it happened. Maybe I needed a treat for my own mental wellbeing. And then I just get back on track.

    Road bumps happen. Learn from them if you can, but don't let them completely stop you in your tracks!

    Yes! Thanks for this and thanks for the support!