
I was just wondering what type of person you are compared to myself.

As an early childhood reliever (substitute teacher for americans) when i get work I ofcourse do my job as well as walking up and down a hill twice a day which i consider my exercise.

On days i dont have work or at the very least something else to go and do I find that i do the walk, come home and sit on my butt.

It was the same when I used to go to the gym, i would tire myself out at the gym and then spend non work days recovering...

now sure i need a bit of a sit down after walking up a stinking big hill. but it actually makes me feel lazy to realise ive sat around all day even tho i am usually doing school assignments or editing photos for clients...

does anyone have any suggestions fro breaking up the monotony of sit down jobs all day


  • shirshir36
    shirshir36 Posts: 6 Member
    I would suggest spending some time on your hobbies. Or join a gym that offers multiple classes. That will spice up your routine.
    I have a desk job and find myself sitting most of the day in front of the computer, so I try to take a short work every few hours (a trip to bathroom, go see a coworker, fill-up my water bottle, whatever)

    Since your schedule is somewhat inconsistent, you can use days that you're not working to attend a class.
  • Problem being its inconsistent but full. I have a job (which keeps me aflot)
    I have a business and i am still a student LOL

    even when i am sitting on my butt i dont tend to get everything at the computer done.

    but i think ill plan in some breaks like you say and then maybe ill not feel so bad