Ab Workouts



  • bc2ct
    bc2ct Posts: 222 Member
    check out FitnessBlender on youtube... I'm also a massive fan of finishing off my workouts with 5 or 10 minute abs. That's where you do 1 minute of an exercise and then switch exercises without any rest (move to working a different part of your abdomen and maybe throw in things like burpees or plank or squat jumps).

    Here's an example but this is really flexible
    1. bicycle
    2. burpees
    3. wall sit
    4. scullers
    5. russian twist
    6. squat jumps
    7. plank
    8. supermans
    9. oblique crunch
    10. side plank (30 secs each side ... do not drop down in between)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    What do you mean by "just aren't cutting it"?
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    well its not a good idea to do ur workout first thing before you had anything to eat you need your fuel right!!

    I also do mine at night after I have eaten everything for the day so I can burn it off you know what I mean!! It also just feels better to end the day off like that. Don't get me wrong I will do some exercises throughout the day like yoga or go fr a walk but I do the main work out at night!!

    It doesn't matter when you workout or when you eat. Do some research. The body doesn't have set times that it has to eat or exercise in either for it to be a more effective machine. For some people, there is a mental aspect to it, but that is it.

    I personally workout every AM before I eat anything and have never had a "crash". I have had mornings I have felt weaker than usual but I attribute that to what I ate the night before and how much sleep I got. I also feel the best when I get my workout right away in the AM. If I have to do it in the evening it is a struggle and fight and it just doesn't feel as rewarding.

    Bottom line, the OP needs to do what works best for her. Everyone is different.
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    Ignore this


    ^^^^^^^^Double Yep^^^^^^^^^^
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    What do you mean by "just aren't cutting it"?

    Exactly! What is your goal? If you want visible abs, all of the situps in the world aren't going to make that happen if you BF% is too high. Also, keep in mind that genetics will also play a role in this.

    Want a strong core for overall stability, health and strength? Then heavy, compound lifts: squats, DLs, OHPs. If you don't have access to weights, then check out Nia Shanks Bodyweight Guide, Convict Condition or You Are Your Own Gym for bodyweight strength programs.

    I got "abs" by focusing on heavy lifting and NO situps. Low BF%, heavy lifting AND genetics have helped this. I'm an hour glass shape and very lean on my upper body, and carry my excess weight in my lower half. If I were an apple, I'd likely not have visible abs.