Increase VO2MAX?

tsazani Posts: 830 Member
edited August 2021 in Fitness and Exercise
My current exercise program is 45 min 4 days per week. Done at around 70% MHR.

10 min warm up cardio (walking)
15 min resistance
10 min yoga
10 min recovery cardio (swimming).

My VO2Max is 34 which is good for my age. I'd like to get it to 41 which is elite for my age.

Is my exercise program enough to get me there?


  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    I don't even do as much as @Djproulx -- not even close. But I'm doing around 6.5 hours of cardio a week and two plus hours of lifting a week in supersets that get my HR up there. I do an hour a day and 90 minutes on Sunday. That doesn't include the five to seven miles I walk on Saturday (my off day) or the 4 miles at golf on Thursday (or the leisure bike rides I take).

    You're doing (roughly) 20 minutes of lighter cardio 4X a week. I find that, at minimum, I need to do four days a week of slow steady state work, one day of hard intervals and one day of anaerobic threshold work in order to improve my VO2 Max at all. Any less than that and my cardio fitness just isn't there. I'm likely around your age too (I'll soon be 57). It helps to know your rough max HR first. I wouldn't do a max test with as little of cardio as you do. It might be dangerous, to be honest. But you need to know that first in order to know how hard to push, at the very least, one day a week.

    I'd start with increasing your cardio efforts to at least 3 hours or more a week. That's a good starting point.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    OP, I agree with the comments (from some very knowledgeable folks) that more volume and intensity would be needed to move the needle on VO2 Max.

    With that said, I find that VO2 max is not a particularly useful data point for me. Is there a specific reason for pursuing VO2 max improvement as a goal?
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    I'll look to others to respond as well. My answer to you is "It depends". If your primary goal is to increase cardio fitness and drive an uptick in VO2 max, then more cardio work is needed. If you are after the benefits of resistance training, such as increased strength and muscle tone, that is also great. With that said, increasing strength training by 15 min per day will not lead to the uptick in VO2 max that you mentioned in your first post.

    As @MikePfirrman noted, in order to really improve VO2 max, you'll need both volume and intensity. His comment about knowing your max HR and then building a safe structured plan that includes doing some higher intensity work is rock solid advice.
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I'm not an expert on this but I'd say rather than extending your workouts you need to push into your peak cardio zone. I find spin classes best for this as you can increase resistance and cadence. I usually do three a week. Be sure to spend the majority of time in the peak zone - you have to work hard!

    I'm younger than you (early 40's) and female so not sure how it relates but my Apple Watch gives me a pretty consistent VO2 max of 47.1
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    edited August 2021
    tsazani wrote: »
    Great answers. Thanks. I'll also be 64 in November.

    My diet is spot on. I'm working on sleeping longer and hopefully better.

    I like exercising 4 days per week. I'd like to keep it like that.

    I do "the big three" cardio, resistance, and flexibility in every session..

    I was thinking of doubling the volumn of resistance training. From 15 min to 30 min per day. My exercise time would go from 45 min to 60 min.

    You say I should do 180 min more cardio per week instead? That's 45 min more per day. 45 min to 90 min of exercise per day.

    My resistance training is hard. It looks like HIIT on my Polar Flow App. My cardio and yoga are easy. They are done in the blue "fat burning zone".

    So...45 min more easy cardio and yoga per day?

    Or...15 min more hard resistance training per day?

    Or...some volumn increase in both?

    VO2 max is (one) measure of CV fitness - you are looking in the wrong place to improve cardio fitness by doing more strength training.
    That your strength training gives a spiky HR trace is pretty irrelevant - HR rises during strength training for reasons other than oxygen uptake (the fitness aspect you say you want to improve), it's not an aerobic exercise. Also if your VO2 estimate is coming from a fitness wearable then your estimate is being influenced by that trace and it really shouldn't be.

    It's your cardio that drives improvements in VO2 max. Both volume and especially intensity would need to go up massively. You could certainly stick to 4 days a week but what you do in those 4 days would have to completely change.
    e.g. As a keen cyclist I'm averaging about 8.5 hrs/week but hit my fitness peak in June doing 13 hrs /week including many rides with very intense efforts. Still didn't get my Garmin estimated VO2 max out of excellent into elite zone.

    There is a huge disconnect in your goal and your training:
    Short easy cardio - not going to do much for your goal.
    Strength training - not going to do much for your goal.
    If you look up training plans / sessions designed to boost VO2 max you will mostly see repeated very intense intervals. But in our 60's it's wise to build up to that and I advise building your duration and endurance first rather than focus on what sounds not a particularly useful aspect of fitness to you.
    If you reveal what form your cardio takes people could point you towards training resources or plans.

    My questions about whether your numbers are estimates or measurements is pretty important to validate your numbers but I'd agree with @MikePfirrman that a maximal effort test would be unwise with your current routine. It took me days to recover from my VO2 max and max HR test in a sports science lab as you push to the point of collapse. You can get a better than the often hopelessly inaccurate age related max HR fairly easily though.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,539 Member
    Nope, you won't really increase your vo2max this way. Also wearables are notoriously off, especially when you happen to do short cardio sessions and your maximum HR settings are off. Hey, I can get my garmin watch to 40 no issue by doing short, faster cardio sessions that are too short to get my HR up to anywhere near longer workout HR. This is just tweaking data to show what you want to see without the benefit of it.

    It's of course very individual, but I find that uploading my running data to Runalize gives me a good estimate of VO2max, comparable to an actual exercise test. But: again the maximum heart rate needs to be set correctly (it's likely not 220-age!) and each session needs to be at least 30 minutes long to get an actual working out HR and not a 'I'm still warming up and my HR is not at working out level yet' HR.
  • SnifterPug
    SnifterPug Posts: 746 Member
    The treadmills at our gym give a VO2max measurement. There is a specific routine they go through to get you to particular heart rates and they measure how fast and at what incline you go before you get there. I used them with a chest strap HR monitor. I'm sure it's not the most accurate, but it is at least consistent and with a chest strap monitor is probably the best I am going to get.


    Back in November 2016 I thought my CV fitness was OK. Did my first test. Got only 28 which was below average for my age then (48)

    By March 2017 I had got it up to 38. By April 2018 I had got it up to 46 which is roughly where it now tends to sit.

    My main CV activity is boxing. To increase the reading I did pretty intense CV four times a week. Mostly boxing, sometimes tabata intervals on the rowing machine. I was working up to being able to do a full set of 12 boxing rounds on the heavy bag (3 minutes work, 1 minute rest - so an exercise time of 47 minutes just on CV). By the time I had got to the 38 reading in March 2017 I think I was getting about 8 rounds before I got so red, sweaty and exhausted that I had to stop. By the 46 reading I was able to do the full 12. Heart rate was peaking to 90% + in most rounds. (I use a Myzone HR monitor which adjusts your max HR upwards if you can maintain red zone for too long, so again it's probably the most accurate I'm going to get without going over the top)

    I have to agree with the others that easy cardio is not the way to go to increase VO2max, but you need to build up to the sort of intensity needed.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Those treadmill routines for calculating VO2max can be actually pretty decent. It was likely using one of the common ones.

    Your low level stuff can help increase the cell mitochondria using the oxygen, but as they improve, you have to up the intensity.
    Just like weight on the bar, you wouldn't expect improvements if the weight never went up asking the body to improve.
    Slightly longer sessions at a true 80-85% of HRMax would be the least change I could see helping.
    That shouldn't wipe you out so bad as to ruin the next workout, or recovery from the last.

    Intervals can work too.
    Despite the name in the weblink - this is about SIT actually.

    From other info on that method I've read - the benefits are short lived if you don't either keep up that routine (which likely won't fit well with leg lifting), or do enough intense LISS to provide body reason for keeping the improvements.
    So after that routine may want 1 LISS a week at 85-90% HRMax (LT has probably improved too so this is still in aerobic zone), 1 session of SIT, couple of recovery LISS like you do now.
    Place those well with the lifting schedule (like no SIT day before or after leg lifting day) and you may find little to no interference.

    During my tri training I became master of big improvements with minimum time investment I didn't have.
    Then again I do seem to have a CV system that improves quickly and mainly type I muscle to work with, so genetics matter too.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    tsazani wrote: »
    Great answers. Thanks. I'll also be 64 in November.

    My diet is spot on. I'm working on sleeping longer and hopefully better.

    I like exercising 4 days per week. I'd like to keep it like that.

    I do "the big three" cardio, resistance, and flexibility in every session..

    I was thinking of doubling the volumn of resistance training. From 15 min to 30 min per day. My exercise time would go from 45 min to 60 min.

    You say I should do 180 min more cardio per week instead? That's 45 min more per day. 45 min to 90 min of exercise per day.

    My resistance training is hard. It looks like HIIT on my Polar Flow App. My cardio and yoga are easy. They are done in the blue "fat burning zone".

    So...45 min more easy cardio and yoga per day?

    Or...15 min more hard resistance training per day?

    Or...some volumn increase in both?

    You have to choose what's important to you. You can keep a moderate exercise load, or you can have "elite" fitness. You can't have both.

    Yoga and strength training will not affect your VO2max much, if at all. These are healthy activities, but they don't stress your oxygen transport system. Just like running won't improve your bench press but been still be healthy.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    tsazani wrote: »
    Great answers. Thanks. I'll also be 64 in November.

    My diet is spot on. I'm working on sleeping longer and hopefully better.

    I like exercising 4 days per week. I'd like to keep it like that.

    I do "the big three" cardio, resistance, and flexibility in every session..

    I was thinking of doubling the volumn of resistance training. From 15 min to 30 min per day. My exercise time would go from 45 min to 60 min.

    You say I should do 180 min more cardio per week instead? That's 45 min more per day. 45 min to 90 min of exercise per day.

    My resistance training is hard. It looks like HIIT on my Polar Flow App. My cardio and yoga are easy. They are done in the blue "fat burning zone".

    So...45 min more easy cardio and yoga per day?

    Or...15 min more hard resistance training per day?

    Or...some volumn increase in both?

    You have to choose what's important to you. You can keep a moderate exercise load, or you can have "elite" fitness. You can't have both.

    Yoga and strength training will not affect your VO2max much, if at all. These are healthy activities, but they don't stress your oxygen transport system. Just like running won't improve your bench press but been still be healthy.

    Agreed. And VO2Max, as others have mentioned, isn't the end all, be all of fitness. It's simply a measure of genetics, how much volume you do and training smart. You look great -- quite frankly, thinner and more fit visibly than I do (I need to lose around 10 lbs!).

    You seem to have a nice mix that works for you. I'd question why you even care, except as a measure against others. You sound healthy.

    Most that care about VO2Max on here are doing some sort of cardio competitions or endurance racing. That's really the only main reason to train your VO2 Max, not as some indicator to compare with others your age.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    tsazani wrote: »
    Great answers. Thanks. I'll also be 64 in November.

    My diet is spot on. I'm working on sleeping longer and hopefully better.

    I like exercising 4 days per week. I'd like to keep it like that.

    I do "the big three" cardio, resistance, and flexibility in every session..

    I was thinking of doubling the volumn of resistance training. From 15 min to 30 min per day. My exercise time would go from 45 min to 60 min.

    You say I should do 180 min more cardio per week instead? That's 45 min more per day. 45 min to 90 min of exercise per day.

    My resistance training is hard. It looks like HIIT on my Polar Flow App. My cardio and yoga are easy. They are done in the blue "fat burning zone".

    So...45 min more easy cardio and yoga per day?

    Or...15 min more hard resistance training per day?

    Or...some volumn increase in both?

    What you're doing is great for overall health, but it's not going to lead to an elite level of fitness. Even at my peak I'd say my cardiovascular fitness was very good, but I wouldn't say it was elite and I was cycling a combination of long steady state work and interval work training for endurance rides and races and I was putting in a good 8 hours or so per week just cycling. That didn't include my resistance training or yoga which do next to nothing for cardiovascular fitness though they are very good for you and yoga in particular is great for recovery.

    If you want a high level of cardiovascular fitness, you're going to have to do a lot more cardio and throw in some higher intensity work.

    Right now I'm not doing all that work I used to do and my fitness level is nowhere close to where it was a couple years ago, but I'm content to be maintaining my overall health and just enjoying being recreationally active...but I'd have to bump up my work and actually train again to get back to where I was in 2014-2018.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    VO2 = volume of oxygen. Max = maximal or maximum. How much oxygen you can transport through your body.

    For people who are "untrained" the limit can be in the muscles, not being able to use all the oxygen they get. But for most people the working muscles can use all the oxygen you can deliver and then some. The limit is in your ability to pull the stuff out of the air, and pump it through your body. That's why it's called cardio, you might be using your legs but you're stressing your heart to provide for them. 🙂

    That's also why yoga doesn't improve your VO2max. Yoga is fantastic for balance, flexibility, functional strength, and just comfort art using your body. It doesn't make you gasp for breath because it doesn't require tons of extra oxygen.

    You can look at the total amount of oxygen you're using, but almost everyone normalizes it by body weight which is more useful in most contexts. So when you say yours is 34 but you want it to be 41, that means milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of you, per minute. Now you can't change how long a minute is or how much a milliliter is, but you can get rid of some KGs of you and improve the score. 🙂
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Djproulx wrote: »
    OP, I agree with the comments (from some very knowledgeable folks) that more volume and intensity would be needed to move the needle on VO2 Max.

    With that said, I find that VO2 max is not a particularly useful data point for me. Is there a specific reason for pursuing VO2 max improvement as a goal?

    This sentiment was repeated a few times in this thread by a few people. Because it's pretty much a consensus. I thought some context might be useful. 🙂

    OP is working at 70% MHR. Some people lift 90% of their one-rep max. On the bike, I do intervals at X% of my threshold power. Nobody really goes out and does exercise at whatever % of their VO2max. People also don't say "I'd like to do another 20 minutes but my VO2 is only N so I shouldn't." Your VO2max just isn't relevant to anything you're going to do in the moment while you exercise. It is a truth universally acknowledged.

    Your VO2max turns out to be the best predictor of whether you'll be around next year. It's literally better to be on dialysis than to have a very low VO2. 😳 Because, again, it's heart and lung function, if that's good you aren't dying of CV disease or a lot of other things. It's normalized by weight which is obviously implicated in many health conditions. High VO2max means good health is many ways. So it's a great goal! 😁

    Since this is a weight loss site for a lot of people, I'll say again that losing weight is a really good lever to pull. Beyond that, I think more volume at less intensity is going to have more of a lasting effect than something like HIIT.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    tsazani wrote: »
    Thanks all.

    So far my Polar watch tells me my exercise is "productive".

    When tells me I'm "maintaining" or "detraining" I'm going to add 10 min of rowing machine right after yoga.

    Should I do this at 70% MHR? Or go for higher?

    It sounds like your Polar watch probably licenses Firstbeat technology, because my Garmin watch does the same thing. 🙂 Firstbeat is good stuff. 🙂 🙂 Do you have the training load and load focus features?