JM 30 day shred? Group for sharing progress pictures!

Hey everybody! On the 31st I'll be celebrating one month of consistent calorie counting and exercise! I've met my goal weight before on cardio and calorie counting alone but I wasn't really maintaining a healthy diet. Now that I'm truly applying myself to a healthy means of diet and exercise - I've decided to step it up a notch and include strength training. I've heard so much about Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred in the past few weeks, that I went and bought the DvD this weekend! I've done level 1 twice now, yesterday and today and's no joke! I've seen result pictures on google and other forums and they are phenomenal!

Now, if you own the 30 day shred DVD or have access to it, or have started the program and never followed through - here is an opportunity to suffer through the pain and make the progress you want with a support system! I'm wanting to start a group for ladies who are interested in beginning the 30 day shred program together!

To give people who do not currently have the 30 Day Shred DVD an opportunity to participate, I want to start the group experience on the 31st. That will give them time to get their hands on a copy. I hope that participants are willing to take before/progress/after pictures to provide motivation and show that the dedication pays off!

Let me know what you think?!
