Help with Anorexia

I am an adult male who has been diagnosed with anorexia and who has very little money and cannot afford expensive treatment programs. Does anybody have any suggestions as to what I should do?


  • ozarkrunner
    ozarkrunner Posts: 5 Member
    Apply for social security disability and check into an inpatient setting focusing on eating disorders.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    Truly, you will need professional help. I am proud of you for asking for help! That is so brave and such a big step!

    Who diagnosed you? Go back to them, explain your situation (don't be ashamed or embarrassed) and ask them to help you find resources to HELP. They should be able to.

    I wish you all of the very best (((hugs)))
  • gceinca
    gceinca Posts: 22 Member
    Do you have health insurance? If so, insurance should cover treatment. If you don't have insurance and don't get insurance through work (assuming you live in the USA), sign up for a plan during open enrollment. It will be worth the cost for treatment.

    Not to be negative, but if you are able to work you will not be eligible for social security disability. If you are not able to work in any capacity, your disability must be expected to last for more than a year and/or be terminal. And you must be under a doctor's care for treatment. Even if you do meet all the criteria, it is a very long process to be approved. Most people are denied at first, a small percentage are approved at the first appeal. If you choose to further appeal to a hearing, you do have a better chance, especially if you hire a lawyer ( no cost upfront. They get paid if you are approved). Expect this process to take at least two years (my sister's took three years).
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member

    I hope this might be helpful. If not, keep this thread updated. Chances are someone here has resources that could help you.

    Wishing you a speedy and proper recovery.