Pounds vs Kilos vs Stones

mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
Just wanted to open this chat up and see what everyone thinks...

Now I know that us weirdos in the UK are pretty much the only people in the world who use stones and pounds. Just to clarify what that means:

14lbs = 1 stone

So if someone was 147lbs, they would be 10stone 7lbs, or 10 and a half stone.

Although it might seem like a pointless way to divide weight up, it actually provides nice little milestones to aim for when trying to lose weight. Like I am 13stone 8lbs at the moment, and I just can't wait until I'm under 13 stone!

As for kilos...I never really use that method, it's mainly used on the continent...but I'm sure someone can provide an opinion!

And just for the record, I currently live in Canada so can usually convert back and forth between lbs and stone & lbs quite easily (my 14 times table is coming along nicely...!)

Just wondering if anyone had any thoughts really? Or if anyone is confused about any particular type of measurement lol...


  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    I track my weight in pounds, kilos and stones, but as you say - It does give you fun, extra little milestones.

    Someone brought up the idea back in Jan/Feb and I've enjoyed marking them ever since.

    Especially stones - those are pretty decent chunks of weight to lose.