Women 200lb+, Let's Shine This September!!!



  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 526 Member

    I keep falling on and off the wagon. But I think today is a new day one. I'm going through a break up so I think it's a good time to focus on my food and distract myself with getting healthy. I already tracked my breakfast so thats a good thing.

    SW 206.6
    GW 199

    I just want to make it to onederland. That's my first goal. So that's 6.6 pounds away. I can do this.

    Hi @ladychr0nic, I'm at 206.2 do you think we can make onederland in 4 weeks? That's my goal, but I think it will be sooner if I keep tracking and staying under. Your off to a great start!
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I would put it up in side dish portions and that way you can work out how much a half cup or whatever is calorically and just warm up a bit when you can use it with some meat.

    Yeah, that's pretty much my plan, I'm just worried about ending up with, you know, 16 servings of risotto of varying quality, LMAO. Side dish or no, that's a lot of risotto to get through. I'm not sure how well it freezes, but I suppose I'll find out. I do have some silicone baking cups, I might use those to make batches of little risotto pucks to freeze and then store those in a big ziplock once they've frozen solid.

    My baked oatmeal bars turned out pretty heccin' thicc, and the crumbs I sampled tasted good, so I'm pleased with that. They came out to about 280 cal apiece, so I think just one will be plenty for breakfast. I have them wrapped in foil, the tentative plan is to use the toaster oven to warm them up in the mornings. I followed the Pioneer Woman's recipe; I haven't decided yet if I'll do as Ree suggests and serve with a dollop of cinnamon-sugar Greek yogurt, but I bet that tastes awesome. I'm keeping them in the fridge for now; I don't think freezing will be necessary, but I might go ahead and put four of them down in the freezer just to see how they hold up. They were dead simple to make, though, so I think I'll definitely keep them in the rotation at least through the end of the year.

    I found turkey kielbasa at the grocery this week so I used that instead of my usual beef/pork Polish smoked sausage for my kielbasa-and-veggies lunch. That I cut into quarter-coins and baked alongside the sweet potato (375F for 25 minutes); I got a bit of caramelization on the Brussels sprouts on the stovetop, then deglazed with a little more beef stock and steamed them for about 10 minutes. All together with the barley it smelled delicious, so I'm looking forward to lunch this week.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    I would put it up in side dish portions and that way you can work out how much a half cup or whatever is calorically and just warm up a bit when you can use it with some meat.

    Yeah, that's pretty much my plan, I'm just worried about ending up with, you know, 16 servings of risotto of varying quality, LMAO. Side dish or no, that's a lot of risotto to get through. I'm not sure how well it freezes, but I suppose I'll find out. I do have some silicone baking cups, I might use those to make batches of little risotto pucks to freeze and then store those in a big ziplock once they've frozen solid.

    I freeze plain white rice, wild rice pilaf, saffron rice and Mexican rice all the time and they warm up just fine. I avoid potatoes and can't eat most of the leafy green vegetables and so everything I eat, almost, comes with two ounces of rice. Plan a menu and just plan to have it twice a week for eight weeks?
  • kenziestabes
    kenziestabes Posts: 338 Member
    SW (7/23): 300
    8/30: 290.6
    9/6: 289.4
    9/13: 287.2
    9/20: 287
    9/27: 284.8 (-2.2 for the week and -15.2 total)
    GW for September: 283-285

    Woohoo! Super jazzed at this loss!!!

    Look at that! You're in your goal range!
  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    SW (7/23): 300
    8/30: 290.6
    9/6: 289.4
    9/13: 287.2
    9/20: 287
    9/27: 284.8 (-2.2 for the week and -15.2 total)
    GW for September: 283-285

    Woohoo! Super jazzed at this loss!!!

    Look at that! You're in your goal range!

    Nothing like skating by with .2 of a pound, but I will TAKE IT!!!! :wink:
  • kenziestabes
    kenziestabes Posts: 338 Member
    Since it's almost October, is there going to be an October 2021 version of this thread?
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Everyone is different. I post my weight weekly, in between I usually have an uptick on the scale before a drop. I think its my body hanging onto water before the drop. Mine will soon start slowing down, I'm sure too.
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    I got frazzled in the middle of writing my post. My construction company was claiming my work was done when the gutter folks missed one area Friday so had a bunch of follow ups since no response on Friday when it occurred.

    DH’s birthday was this weekend. Over for food but wasn’t too terrible. Enjoyed everything and doing the things he wanted to do made it worth it all.

    Pondering yesterday and seeing my intolerances reaction has been bad lately I’ve realized I might have to do another elimination diet again to help calm things down. For me that makes me consider more Paleo plans for their autoimmune protocols. I’ve done well prior. So October I was planning to focus on that a bit. To help a bit I ordered a food bundle that’s already made and follows what I need. With the mindset to understand the flavors to see if it’s something I can make on my own with a recipe

    Need to focus on me and things at the house but impossible the last week (always seems an ongoing issue actually). The little time I had this weekend prior to doing the planned activities was grabbed when a friend needed to talk. I had turned down Friday due to my standard things where I’d have to decide between showering and/or eating dinner had I planned to meet then. When she contacted Sunday I gave her the 1 hour window I had left. Not a very restful weekend with everything but just would be horrified if something happened to her due to me turning her down. Maybe tomorrow I’ll have some time. Can’t do everything but don’t want her thinking she’s a burden when I don’t feel that way; along with I got to grab some Starbucks which is a bonus. Ha I might have to consider seeing if I can take a few days off of work since I couldn’t the days I planned earlier in the month.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 526 Member
    edited September 2021
    Hi I’m 61 and 5’4”.
    Original starting weight: 245.0

    September Start Weight: 211.4 (8/31/21)
    September Goal Weight: 208.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    Sept 1: 211.4
    Sept 7: 210.4
    Sept 14: 209.2
    Sept 21: 206.2
    Sept 28: 203.0 (42 pounds lost so far. Equals a 5 gallon bottle of water.)

    Down 8.4 pounds for the month. I will take it!!! Getting closer to one-derland, maybe in 2 weeks I will get there.

    I had joined another 30 day weight loss challenge. I was very nervous about putting myself out there. There are 4 teams. Our team was not given the same rules as the other 3 teams. Our team leader has not bothered to log into MFP since Sept 3rd. It was not a very good experience. I don't know if I will do that again. I was super excited about it, but it was such a let down.

    Also if somebody had told me I could lose weight eating loaded baked potatoes (with butter, chives, shrimp, buffalo cauliflower and Queso cheese sauce) I would not have believed them.
  • justanotherloser007
    @sarah12277 Good reminder to never compare yourself to others! We have whole different systems and engines and electrical!! I was going to ask about intolerances. I have hives, so I have been forced to adopt a low-histamine lifestyle (I had been on prednisone for about 12 years before I even knew what a low histamine diet was). Although, some consider it more an "anti-inflammatory diet".

    I call it low histamine, because I feel like lots of foods are super healthy that will non-stop give me hives like: spinach, tuna, eggs. Yeah, of course these are also some of my favorite foods! I also take ginger root for an anti-histamine. There are no low-histamine omega 3's. If I didn't take ginger root I will hive every day because of the omega 3's even if I am doing great on the low histamine diet. I am immune to benadryl, that is how I ended up depending on ginger root.

    For you, what kind of intolerances are happening? And yes, it is hard for "normies" to understand. They don't understand that not only do you have to 1) not eat foods you want 2) it will NOT be okay if you have it "just this once". It is hard to show up at someone's home and have to explain that you have a high maintenance diet that they probably have never even heard of! I once had a lady yell at me when I told her I had a high maintenance diet. She took offense. I was thinking, "huh, it simply IS high maintenance, no reason to lose your head." But people are all different. Having severe needs, and then being at the whims of a person who can tolerate anything is tough. But like anything else you just have to stick to your guns, and kind of ignore their reaction - they just don't understand. They also don't have to live with the consequences or fallout, you do.

    I wish you strength and courage in expressing your needs to friends, family and stangers! I actually do some little "I am allowed to express my needs. It is okay to have needs. etc" before I am at the mercy of others. I try to eat before I "socialize" because sometimes others don't know what is in the food, and I don't feel like playing roulette.
  • patriciafoley1
    patriciafoley1 Posts: 137 Member
    SW. 6/1/21. 212

    SW September 1 181.6
    9/5 180.6
    9/10 180
    9/13 179
    9/14. 178
    9/15. 176
    9/27. 175.6
    9/28 174.2
    total weight loss 37.8
    total september weight loss 7.4

    24.2 pounds to goal Finally scale moving again
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member

    For you, what kind of intolerances are happening?

    I've been dealing with eczema on my neck for many years. It started as a small spot and now most of my neck is a scaled redness. I did start at a dermatoligist that game me different diagnosis (verbal, prescription, written) so after I found the one med was expensive and only dealt with the symptoms temporarily I didn't go back. I didn't want to be a guinea pig with expensive meds. About 5 years ago I did a expensive test (ALCAT) as I was getting severe itching on my neck after foods (especially favorites) and the redness was starting to get bigger. It had identified the ones I was starting to assume along with many others that just following an elimination diet wouldn't have found. My worsts were/still are: tomato, casein, sesame. Also found out trout, peach, pomegranate, kale, and quite many others. Most of the additional things I barely have so isn't a big deal. The named are the ones that affect me the most. Many of those I had started having when switching to a more healthy diet. I didn't do the additional test for additives and such but after knowing my symptoms I also figured out: red 40 and caramel color. Right now the caramel color is having it's way; so I need to cut that a bit. Tomatoes have stopped being itchy but get to be nauseous or acid reflux after a few hours. I had found out that milk, other than the manmade sodium casinate in packaged items; didn't cause me a problem but I wasn't healing either. I've had too much dairy lately so I need to stop that too for a bit.