what do you struggle with?



  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Eating enough, I'm always force feeding. :frown:

    ^^ This. I damaged my metabolism for years by eating under 1200 calories a day... now I'm supposed to be eating 1900 calories a day, and I struggle to get there, but it is getting better.
  • Luci_Green_Eyes
    Luci_Green_Eyes Posts: 32 Member
    I really struggle with my cravings for chocolate and anything sweet!
  • JenniferTanner79
    I am just starting with MFP and struggle daily with what can I do I and should I eat. Am I eating too much or not enough...if my husband want to take me out to eat...I don't know what to order. I have 98 pounds to go to my goal...so I know it will take a while, but I don't know if my daily choices will make it harder.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Portion control. Hands down, that's my hardest hurdle.
  • LunaAmour
    LunaAmour Posts: 35 Member
    Night time snacking. Most "bad days" for me actually consist of good days capped with ridiculous dinner/post dinner overeating.
  • AnyaDee
    AnyaDee Posts: 19
    Portion control.

    I don't have a scale (can't afford one) but after a few paychecks, I want one.
  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    I struggle with remembering to keep my calories in line with my activity.

    I kept 100 off for years, and gained 20ish back when I injured myself, couldn't run, and didn't readjust my calories.

    I have trouble remembering I can't eat as much as I used to because I don't run as far as I used to.
  • tjthegreatone
    Not going over my daily calorie allotment by like 400 EVERY SINGLE DAY (ps in 'maintenance'). Sigh.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Night time snacking. Most "bad days" for me actually consist of good days capped with ridiculous dinner/post dinner overeating.

    Me exactly!!
  • bernicesmission
    Im sorry to hear of everyones struggles but they make me feel relieved some people on here are like just stop eating and run its so easy to lose weight, im glad im not the only one who thinks sometimes losing weight is BS! I have rage isssues (can you tell) the scales piss me off and it ruins my day completely. I never expected this journey to be easy but when im killing myself at the gym sweating in like 32 degree heat with no aircon and the windows are locked to make you sweat and ive been munching on the carrots all day and the frickin scales go up, i want to throw the dam thing out the window give up and drown in a bath of icecream! arrrrggggghhhhh
    I will not give up, i need to be patience but sometimes when those scales play mind games i can understand why people give up most of the time! I will beat you scales and when i get to my goal i will take a sledge hammer to your wicked tormenting cruel ways mwh mah ha ha ha
  • Livin4me1969
    Livin4me1969 Posts: 745 Member
    Chocolate, bacon, donuts, more bacon, mexican food, chips, chickfila, moes, bacon, chocolate, donuts and more bacon.

    ME TOO...but dont forget CHEESE!!! Love it
  • Livin4me1969
    Livin4me1969 Posts: 745 Member
    Im sorry to hear of everyones struggles but they make me feel relieved some people on here are like just stop eating and run its so easy to lose weight, im glad im not the only one who thinks sometimes losing weight is BS! I have rage isssues (can you tell) the scales piss me off and it ruins my day completely. I never expected this journey to be easy but when im killing myself at the gym sweating in like 32 degree heat with no aircon and the windows are locked to make you sweat and ive been munching on the carrots all day and the frickin scales go up, i want to throw the dam thing out the window give up and drown in a bath of icecream! arrrrggggghhhhh
    I will not give up, i need to be patience but sometimes when those scales play mind games i can understand why people give up most of the time! I will beat you scales and when i get to my goal i will take a sledge hammer to your wicked tormenting cruel ways mwh mah ha ha ha

    You go girl!!! and yes everyday can be a struggle but as long as you get up each morning working at it then it will get there. :flowerforyou:
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    Consistency and not feeling like a slave to logging and food. I do very well for weeks on end, then totally backslide because I get burned out on numbers and macros and manipulating meals for it to all work.
  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    Night time snacking. Most "bad days" for me actually consist of good days capped with ridiculous dinner/post dinner overeating.

    What she said!
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Night time snacking. Most "bad days" for me actually consist of good days capped with ridiculous dinner/post dinner overeating.
    Me too. Post-dinner is the worst for me.
  • Terilyn623
    Like many others I mostly struggle with sugar. I know I'm totally addicted to it! I also struggle with getting motivated to exercise. I've been trying to lose weight (80 lbs) for a while now. I know what I need to do, I just can't seem to do it. I am hoping that joining the MFP community will help :smile:
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I struggle with keeping my confidence to be the leader I need to be.
    I struggle with some physical addictions.
    I struggle to keep from settling in to mediocrity that surrounds me.
  • flamjam
    flamjam Posts: 4 Member
    I struggle with tempation. If I don't have bad foods in my house I eat clean and lose weight, but the minute I go to my boyfriend's house, all he has is food that I shouldn't eat (chips and salty snacks are my weakness). I almost always give in. I want him to notice that I have gotten healthier but it seems to be backfiring. He's been out of town for two weeks and I have lost 6 pounds! How do I get him to eat better with me?! He's extremely fit because he plays a lot of sports, so he can eat whatever he likes. (Or so he thinks)

    I also struggle with getting to the gym...haha. I always make excuses for why I don't have to go. Lately this has turned around because I tell myself to just shut up and go. I feel great after my workout, but I always need to mentally battle myself to go to the gym.
  • CooperSprings
    CooperSprings Posts: 754 Member
    Binge eating, and recovering from a night of it.
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    1. Getting enough protein. I know WHAT I need to eat to get enough, but actually doing it is another thing altogether.

    2. Not overeating. I love pasta and bread, and it's tough sometimes to limit the portions.

    3. Avoiding Pepsi. I love my Pepsi, but boy that's a lot of empty calories!