Encouragement Needed!

Bubble2020 Posts: 5
edited November 2023 in Getting Started

New to this forum, but not new to sweating tears and blood for dieting. I'm telling myself that this time I am going to get healthy - and actually succeed and keep the lbs off.

Over the last 2 months I've succeeded in losing 2 stone, but I'm finding it super hard to keep going. Will power is waning and I need help!

So any words of encouragement will be strongly welcomed.

Bubs x


  • JDMarlowe
    JDMarlowe Posts: 327 Member
    First off... Congrats on your loss so far!! It's not an easy journey. 2nd, do NOT give up!! Anything worth having is worth working your tail off for, literally!!! Keep working, keep sweating, keeping pushing!!! In the end, you will be glad you did!! It's worth it and more importantly, YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!
  • kfaria08
    kfaria08 Posts: 1 Member
    Don't give up Bubs I know how you feel as I always hit the 2 stone mark and tend to waiver. Just think of your long term goal and imagine yourself in a few months time having lost even more weight. Take each day as it comes and set yourself some smaller targets to aim for. Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day we are all entitled to these, I try to counter act any naughty day with a bit of exercise even if it's a leisurely stroll round the local park. Good luck :smile:
  • elsdonward
    elsdonward Posts: 81 Member

    I am the last person to encourage you. But start by not counting what you have lost. Better to be relentless each day and find the combination of foods you love to eat which add up to less than the break even line. Then do some walks. It is a mountain to climb but do not knock yourself out or you will fall off the wagon.

    I am on a fast at the moment - two days counting today - just fruit and one meal because I am restarting after six months and no targets in sight at all yet. But this is my last chance so it has to work for me. No one else is involved in your personal struggle so if you lose then it is down to you - and you owe it to yourself to find a new way of living
  • Well do you really need any more words of encouragement if you've already succeeded in losing all that weight?! That's fantastic! Just think about whether or not you want to lose weight. Do you want to turn heads on your street? Have people talk about how much weight you've lost and how fantastic you look. Being able to fit into that dress size you've always wanted. Looking amazing in a bikini. All of those things that you may so crave will come with just being careful with what you eat and not having weak moments. Weight loss doesn't happen overnight and there's no quick way to get through it. It takes the determination of someone who truly wants it. If you feel like you're not doing enough exercise and are tempted by crappy foods then question yourself. If it worth it? If you manage to pull yourself away and do as much exercise as right for you, then you can control your weight to be whatever you want it to be. Good luck!x
  • Thanks everyone for your kind words.

    I just seem to have hit a wall this past week, zero motivation and no idea what to do for exercise (I was pretty active this last while with work, now I'm back doing 'normal' things I'm worried the weight will go back on). Anyway, thank you again. Looking at success stories here may help (so many amazing stories!) and good luck to you all too!

  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    now I'm back doing 'normal' things I'm worried the weight will go back on).

    No, the weight will NOT go back on. Not overnight. You are aware, you are in the game, you will not quit!
    A pound or two up does not equal a 2 stones loss! A plateau means a break, not going downhill.

    So be proud of your accomplishment and stick to your commitment. If you want a bar of chocolate, have one. Just one. If you're tired of exercising, turn on the music and dance. Go for a walk. Anything better then lazying on the couch with the TV on and an urge to snack on the "forbidden" things.

    Good luck! You CAN do it! You have done it :flowerforyou: - congrats for the 2 stones, btw!

    Please post back in this thread after a while to tell us of the new weight loss :wink:.
  • CeriGrindrod
    CeriGrindrod Posts: 120 Member
    well done!!
    at the beginning of my weightloss journey i hung a bikini up on my wardrobe door!
    Everytime I walked into my room I remember my goal and it made me not want all the "goodies".
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    You can so totally do this; it is up to you and only you :) Times will get tough and you will hit plateau upon plateau but you just have to keep going. You've got the power! Keep up the great work that you've achieved so far!
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    You've done amazing so far so keep it the good work. Just think of the results at the end and the weight that you would ideally like to be and then continue to push yourself. Don't give up! You've come so far. :)
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