How has this journey made you a better version of yourself? 🌟



  • SuperMotivated56
    SuperMotivated56 Posts: 119 Member
    mark8728 wrote: »

    Not vain at all - you deserve to celebrate your success! Well done, that's brilliant! I hear you about those articles that promise the world in a short space of time and couldn't agree with you more about patience!

  • SuperMotivated56
    SuperMotivated56 Posts: 119 Member
    I'm still at the very beginning of my journey, but I already notice how I feel energetic waking up in the morning, looking forward to get out of bed and get my day started. I feel hopeful again and my self-confidence is improving day by day!

    Welcome to the journey - it's one hang of a ride and worth everything that you put in! So wonderful that you are already feeling the increased energy and self-confidence!
  • yayamom3
    yayamom3 Posts: 939 Member
    mark8728 wrote: »
    It's been an interesting journey, I'm 55 and probably in the best shape of my life. This has meant custom shirts and all new clothing, which made me rethink my entire fashion style. I dropped from 210 to 165lbs over a period of 3-4 years with healthier eating habits and exercise. Being lighter I've taken up surfing, did my first Spartan race and signed up for another and I'm now always up for an adventure.

    I think what I've learned is that you can't exercise your way to thin, it's diet! My second big lesson has been patience. All those articles about getting ripped in 6 weeks or whatever, forget about it, I needed to develop a healthy lifestyle and hoped that the results would follow. If I can do it, you can too. Sounds very vain, but I can't believe I got abs at 55??? Never had them before in my life!!!

    This is the safe place for you to celebrate your success! Way to go! Your abs look amazing!!!
  • JenKindo
    JenKindo Posts: 418 Member
    edited September 2021
    mark8728 wrote: »
    It's been an interesting journey, I'm 55 and probably in the best shape of my life. This has meant custom shirts and all new clothing, which made me rethink my entire fashion style. I dropped from 210 to 165lbs over a period of 3-4 years with healthier eating habits and exercise. Being lighter I've taken up surfing, did my first Spartan race and signed up for another and I'm now always up for an adventure.

    I want to be link you! Honestly, I've dropped about 45 pounds and find myself wanting to do more activities - got the bike out, looking at roller skates and a kayak. I've always wanted to learn how to surf too.
  • SuperMotivated56
    SuperMotivated56 Posts: 119 Member
    I’ve discovered I’m intolerant to others that put me down.

    Last one made me a bit moppy as I’m being investigated for that but mine doesn’t cause weight loss as far as I know. Doc said everything looks fine but I’ve to wait on results so I’ve fingers and toes crossed.

    I’m looking for other goals as I’ve done the weight one
    So I’m looking at weights. Never thought I’d say that ever.
    I see that in a more positive light - you're more protective of yourself, as you so rightly deserve to be!
    All strength to you as you await your results.
    I'm sure that you'll love the weights and love the results too - it can be quite exhilarating and even more empowering!
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    edited September 2021
    mark8728 wrote: »
    My second big lesson has been patience. All those articles about getting ripped in 6 weeks or whatever, forget about it, I needed to develop a healthy lifestyle and hoped that the results would follow. If I can do it, you can too.

    Kudos and I agree totally

    47 here, visible abs, but that is not the final destination for me....still progressing....

    This healthy mind and body thing has taught me patience (injuries and time, take it slowly, listen to your body and above all be flexible, if you don't enjoy what you are doing, it will never last!), resilience (bouncing back from challenges, things change, your body, your mental state, life and your environment, things are forever in with mutability), self love/care....listening to my body....if it needs more rest, more food, do it....if it is tired, rest more, take it easy, take some time out to do absolutely sweet eff all, if you want to...the world will not come to an end and you will find that at the end of that day or even week you may have accomplished more than when you pile pressure upon yourself....
  • cherie8525
    cherie8525 Posts: 109 Member
    Priot to Keto, I would pick one thing in the day to do.. being highly aware of how it was going to affect my body pain levels.. I am N.E.D from anal cancer. the cure sure does a number on our bodies. I started Keto end of Jan, which at first when I looked into it was to shake my body patters up, yet once I started researching all the health benefits, I went 100% in strict keto. when the body is running on ketones for energy.. It is amazing

    What are your character improvements?
    @SuperMotivated56 I LOVE YOUR Wording of " I am now one of the most unlazy people that you could know"

    I love having the ability to move around so much more, not lugging around all the fat, inflammation. Last year my fit bit goal was 3500 steps.. that often brought intense nightly pain.. This summer I have hit up to 18,000 steps weekly, with out the pain. daily goal is 7500.
    I use to plan out each step, getting the most done with the least movement, due to pain.
    . LOL now I relish take a lot of trips for each task. I need to grow muscle mass.. so on each trip I flex and use repetitive movement..

    My husband is always saying you need to rest, stop moving.. NOPE not moving had been my life for way to long! !
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    edited September 2021
    I need to grow muscle mass.. so on each trip I flex and use repetitive movement..

    I am pretty sure gaining lean mass and ketosis or the keto diet do not go hand in hand...unless you are using some form of resistance training and/or performance enhancing drugs...keto is usually for cutting or fat/weight loss....someone correct me if I am wrong....

    I am also fairly sure keto is not for life...unless you have an underlying medical condition that requires it (epilepsy, etc), even diabetics if they reverse the symptoms, can come off the keto diet once they learn to regulate their dietary intake....

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