Looking for an accountability buddy

Hi everyone 👋🏻.

I’m new here (for the 3947 time) and am hoping to find a few accountability buddies. I’ve lost 60 pounds twice but gained it back both times and am at a stand still. I know what I need to do but depression is kicking my butt and I’m struggling to find the drive to workout despite knowing it’ll help.

For reference, I’m 32 from the Chicago suburbs. I’m a full time nanny so I’m fairly active throughout the day. I have two special needs dogs and foster hospice dogs when the rescue I’m with finds them (this definitely doesn’t help with my mental health 😂 but it’s my calling and I can deal with the heartbreak if I can help a dying dog pass feeling loved and spoiled). I live alone and am very covid conscious so I spend most of my free time at home alone.

I’m looking forward to meeting some new people and hopefully making new friends.


  • coryhart4389
    coryhart4389 Posts: 73 Member
    I’m gaining or losing weight my entire life. Lost about 60 lbs twice too, and 20 maybe a half dozen. Friend me if inclined. Trying to maintain weight again….
  • amandafrado
    amandafrado Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! 33 from Canada. I'm also new here for the 3947th time! I work in an elementary school as an activities coordinator so I'm on my feet a lot but I'm otherwise a homebody. I recently started eating in a more calorie conscious way and so far it's been pretty nice. I've done (insert every diet here) and I have come to realize I am happiest when I don't have many restrictions.

    I am also very interested in these dogs of yours. If we hit it off, please expect many photos of my own animals and I hope you also send me photos of yours. I have one rescue from Korea and two rescue cats who bring me as much joy as they do stress. I love them more than I love the air I breathe!
  • jankyjax
    jankyjax Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! 33 from Canada. I'm also new here for the 3947th time! I work in an elementary school as an activities coordinator so I'm on my feet a lot but I'm otherwise a homebody. I recently started eating in a more calorie conscious way and so far it's been pretty nice. I've done (insert every diet here) and I have come to realize I am happiest when I don't have many restrictions.

    I am also very interested in these dogs of yours. If we hit it off, please expect many photos of my own animals and I hope you also send me photos of yours. I have one rescue from Korea and two rescue cats who bring me as much joy as they do stress. I love them more than I love the air I breathe!

    Hahaha I can most definitely provide pup pics. They have their own Instagram @campchichi :)
  • clmandac
    clmandac Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, so nice to connect with folks who love animals. I have a Labrador “teenager” who is willful and very energetic. She came into our family about a year ago about 8 months after we lost our 13 year old Labrador who died of a syndrome called GOLP (a progressive degenerative nerve disease). It took her to almost complete paralysis in a matter of weeks…broke our hearts, but we feel grateful to have had this great dog for all those years. Taking care of the new dog has proven challenging for me because in February I developed multiple stress fractures in my pelvis due to bone thinning. Doctors have advised that I get my weight down by 60 pounds or so. This has proven challenging because my activity level must also be limited while these fractures heal, which can take a year or more. So I am basically limited to calorie restriction to get this done. I am using MFP to log food intake and prevent mindless eating. I am hoping to connect with others who are trying for consistency and who need to lose weight to get and stay well. Want to be able to walk my new doggie and participate in her training and to get back into a more active life. I am getting great medical care, but I have to do my part!
  • Lenoq
    Lenoq Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm a new (again) member too! I think you highlighted for me what I beat myself up about the most: I know what to do. It's not rocket science. I've lost lots of weight before. Why can't I find the motivation to do it again, and more importantly, keep it off?

    I'm a mom to two little girls and a cat, and I'm in my 30s also. I think seeking out accountability buddies is a very smart suggestion! Friend me if you'd like!
  • jankyjax
    jankyjax Posts: 4 Member
    I’m so sorry to hear about your pup. That’s so tough :(

    Is water aerobics something you could do? It takes the pressure off your body and is a great workout due to the water’s resistance. Maybe upper body strength training where you sit in a chair or lay down would be helpful too?

    clmandac wrote: »
    Hello, so nice to connect with folks who love animals. I have a Labrador “teenager” who is willful and very energetic. She came into our family about a year ago about 8 months after we lost our 13 year old Labrador who died of a syndrome called GOLP (a progressive degenerative nerve disease). It took her to almost complete paralysis in a matter of weeks…broke our hearts, but we feel grateful to have had this great dog for all those years. Taking care of the new dog has proven challenging for me because in February I developed multiple stress fractures in my pelvis due to bone thinning. Doctors have advised that I get my weight down by 60 pounds or so. This has proven challenging because my activity level must also be limited while these fractures heal, which can take a year or more. So I am basically limited to calorie restriction to get this done. I am using MFP to log food intake and prevent mindless eating. I am hoping to connect with others who are trying for consistency and who need to lose weight to get and stay well. Want to be able to walk my new doggie and participate in her training and to get back into a more active life. I am getting great medical care, but I have to do my part!
    clmandac wrote: »
    Hello, so nice to connect with folks who love animals. I have a Labrador “teenager” who is willful and very energetic. She came into our family about a year ago about 8 months after we lost our 13 year old Labrador who died of a syndrome called GOLP (a progressive degenerative nerve disease). It took her to almost complete paralysis in a matter of weeks…broke our hearts, but we feel grateful to have had this great dog for all those years. Taking care of the new dog has proven challenging for me because in February I developed multiple stress fractures in my pelvis due to bone thinning. Doctors have advised that I get my weight down by 60 pounds or so. This has proven challenging because my activity level must also be limited while these fractures heal, which can take a year or more. So I am basically limited to calorie restriction to get this done. I am using MFP to log food intake and prevent mindless eating. I am hoping to connect with others who are trying for consistency and who need to lose weight to get and stay well. Want to be able to walk my new doggie and participate in her training and to get back into a more active life. I am getting great medical care, but I have to do my part!