Single serving of snacks vs full size.

I found that instead of buying a full bag of chips for example I buy the single serving bags, yes it cost more but really helps me with not over eating.

Does anyone else do this or do I need to work on will power? :(


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    No, that's a valid strategy. If you're concerned about packaging/trash, you could buy the bulk size and then make your own single-serve pouches with reusable containers, but if you don't have that kind of time or storage space, just buy the small bags.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 517 Member
    I buy the mini bags of Popsecret Kettle Corn popcorn (100 calories), cooks in a minute and a half and its the perfect snack for me. Sweet and Salty. Since I'm the only person in the house who likes popcorn it stops me from making a bigger batch and eating all of it.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    jeepkat1 wrote: »
    I buy the mini bags of Popsecret Kettle Corn popcorn (100 calories), cooks in a minute and a half and its the perfect snack for me. Sweet and Salty. Since I'm the only person in the house who likes popcorn it stops me from making a bigger batch and eating all of it.

    I didn't know they still made the mini bags!

    That said, a full bag of reduced-fat popcorn is also only like 250 calories - big for a snack for sure, but not unreasonable. Popcorn is a great volume snack.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,174 Member
    I buy single serve packaging with some things, but find I can buy a bigger package of some others and portion it out sensibly. I'm sure it's just a mental thing, but I'm very willing to do what seems to work best, even if it costs a few more pennies.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,367 Member
    edited September 2021
    We buy lunch sized potato chip bags because it helps my partner serve a measured portion to my husband at lunch. And keeps my partner from eating the whole bag.

    Usually it’s flavors I can’t eat anyhow. Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, etc. but I do like the Smartfood white cheddar popcorn.

    I do portion out Oreos and ginger snaps. And gluten free pretzels.

    Oh. And pistachios!

    Pistachios are easy. One four oz quilted mason jar fits a serving of pistachios nicely. About an ounce of pistachios in the shell. 170ish calories. If the lid fits? It’s a serving size. Easy peasy.

    Cookies? I use the smallest ziplock containers. Two Oreos. Three ginger snaps. Other snacks probably fit too.
    I portion out the cookie bag, then store the pile of filled containers in a huge ziplock style bag that I get at the restaurant supply store.
    But any bigger container will do.
    This keeps the cookies fresh very nicely. A nice bonus here in the Pacific Northwest.

  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    That sounds like a good plan. With nuts I weigh out a single portion instead of eating straight out of container. I learned a lot about portion sizes by logging food.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    That's a completely valid strategy. In fact, it's a much better strategy than relying on willpower. Some willpower is required to control one's food intake, but the less you need of it the better. No special weight loss medals for torturing yourself, so if you find strategies that make it easier for you, add them into your dieting arsenal right away.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,902 Member
    Definitely a valid strategy.

    Here - this may help you mentally - instead of thinking about cost per pound, think about calories per serving. If buying the big bag leads to overeating, you will have a much higher calories per serving than with the single serve bag.

    Some foods, like chocolate *chips* or individually wrapped *squares*, I can portion out. With chocolate *bars*, my brain wants to keep eating until it is gone. So I don't have bars in the house.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,125 Member
    I think this is a question of knowing yourself and perhaps also learning new behaviors.

    I used to be the kind of person who would finish a bag of chips or other salt snacks in one go or put a serious dent in it in case of a super-sized bag.
    When I started counting calories, I started portioning my snacks: weighing out a portion and putting away the rest of the bag. Eating out of the bag became a thing of the past. Furthermore, I needed to put the bag back in the cupboard and not leave it on the kitchen counter/table, which would tempt me to take a second portion.

    Currently, I still have the rule that I don't eat out of the bag/box unless the contents fit my calorie goal. But I no longer need to pack away the rest of the bag/box, I can leave it in sight and be fine.

    I would say to use single servings if you feel you need it. It's a perfectly valid strategy. With time you might find you don't need to keep doing that, or perhaps you'll find you still need to keep it up, whatever works for you 🙂
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 979 Member
    I do this because I know that I will just devour a full bag in one go.

    Same goes with cookies, cakes, pasties.

    Basically, I have learnt I neeed to buy smaller packets to stop myself from being myself
  • weight3049
    weight3049 Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks guys! glad it's not just me. :#
  • scarlett_k
    scarlett_k Posts: 812 Member
    I did this for a long time although the extra plastic annoyed me more than the cost, especially since most places didn't accept it for recycling (thankfully one of the UK supermarkets - Co-op - now takes all clean soft plastics). But now I can pretty reliably buy a big bag of popcorn (I don't do crisps, or chips as you call them!) and serve myself some and eat it through the week. I can also mostly be trusted with big tubs of ice cream and chocolate bars now. If I scarf the lot then it's a red flag I've not been eating enough and I will adjust my calories accordingly.