Please explain this to me. So frustrated!!!!!!



  • LydiaShackelford
    LydiaShackelford Posts: 93 Member
    1. You're retaining water. That's all. When you have a drink, drink two glasses of water to counter balance.

    2. For ANYONE that says muscle weighs more than fat, I would like to re-introduce the old question, which weighs more: a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks? They weigh the same. One pound of fat weighs the same as one pound of muscle. The difference is muscle is DENSER than fat. Therefore, more muscle can fit into one part of your body than fat. For instance, say you have a 2x2 section and you fill it with fat, then you have the same 2x2 section and fill it with muscle. You can cram more muscle into the section than fat. Therefore, if you increase muscle and decrease fat, you could very well weigh a bit more.

    3. I truly think the culprit here, however, is the water retention from drinking. Water, water, more water, decrease your sodium intake when you drink, and don't be shocked when you go off plan when things change around on the scale. It really should happen. If you're diligent, 100%, and are stuck for more than a month, consider it a problem. Until then, keep working hard.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    1. Men do not have ovaries.

    That's your (and many others') husband's weight loss secret. :laugh:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Thank you for this. I eat low carb but when I have a higher carb day even by 10-20 grams I gain immediately. I'd love to have more "good carbs" in my diet but I'm scared of gaining so I just stick with low carb. Very frustrating to not enjoy fruits because of gaining. :sad:

    why not follow a more sustainable eating plan?
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Weighing yourself everyday is as useful for weight loss as eating 1000 calorie diet.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    2. For ANYONE that says muscle weighs more than fat, I would like to re-introduce the old question, which weighs more: a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?

    Not being argumentative because I know 1#=1#, but the feathers vs. bricks is not a great analogy because that uses different weighing systems (avoirdupois (16oz=1#) vs. Troy (12oz=1#)).
  • suzique33
    suzique33 Posts: 16 Member
    Women can flucuate around 5 lbs depending on time of month and Muscle weighs more than fat and your body retains water to repair your muscles after you workout.
    Don't weigh yourself on Mondays wait till wednesdays and do it first thing in the morning after you go to the bathroom and have no clothes on.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Your weight is going to fluctuate wildly if you alternate between low-carb and carb binges (comparatively to your <75g days). Stick within your calorie allotment and weigh yourself only once a month if it's going to bother you to see them.

    But if you can't handle low-carb to where you feel you have to "let loose" because you're being so tight with yourself, you should maybe consider re-evaluating your method to something more sustainable.

    Why low carb? Why so low with the calories? Maybe exercise more so you can eat more carbs regularly. Carbs are good for you. They give you energy.
  • ImaKnitter67
    Alcohol is a sugar. Chemistry 101.
  • bernicesmission
    I had this last week for two days i drank and and drank water literally 20 or more cups a day and after 2 days my weight went down your muscle will also retain water if you are doing strenuous exercises and also excess sodium causes water retention!
    it will go down... drink drink drink up!
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Ok, so last week I ate very well, limiting my calories to 1400 a day roughly. I worked out m-f doing weights and cardio, and went for a 3 mile run on Sunday morning. I also kept my carbs around 50-75g a day depending on the day. I was doing fabulous so on Satuday night I had a few drinks. I even had these worked in my caloric budget. I got on the scale Monday morning and found out I weighed 6lbs MORE than I did Sat. morning!:noway: :explode: :grumble:

    My husband on the other hand can drink margaritas every night and eat junk all the time. He went for ONE bike ride the entire week and lost 3lbs! I don't get it and I'm extremely frustrated. I feel like I'm STUCK at losing weight. I have another 30lbs to lose and whenever I lose weight it comes right back from just a few drinks even if I budget for them in my calories. Why is this? How can my husband eat crap and drink margaritas and still lose??? What am I doing wrong? I'm going to go and do my workout now. I'm not giving up but can someone explain to me why I can still cut my calories and gain weight from just a few drinks? The drinks are diet coke and jack, nothing with tons of sugar. Any advice would help greatly. I am still up 4lbs as of today. Thanks guys and have a great day!


    I’m sure others have already said it but as a female around your menstrual cycle you can gain upwards of 10lbs within a few days.

    As for the food and drinks this is typical … you need to stop comparing yourself to your husband, what works for him obviously doesn’t work for you. Everyone’s body reacts differently you need to focus on your needs. Also to put it into context for you; odds are your husband has more muscle mass, which means his metabolism would run faster than yours, he would also use more energy for simple movements then you… Hope this helps

    TINAHUNTER1969 Posts: 219 Member
    Take your measurements as well as sometimes the scales stay the same but the tape measure shows a loss :smile:

    Also even is you don't lose or put on a bit you are still getting fitter and healthier so don't give up - slow and steady wins the race and if you are like me this is NOT a diet but a lifestyle change so I don't care how long it takes as long as I am getting fitter/healthier and watching what I eat I'm heading in the right direction.

    Fluctuations was probably water retention with all the exercise - did you drink plenty of water??
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Ok, now I'm sure it's water retention. I just gained another 4lbs in 4 hours! I had a protein shake this morning with an apple and a TON of water. I'm gaining weight like a rockstar! WTF? Ok, going to stay OFF the devil aka the scale! I wish I could get paid for retaining water. I'd be a millionaire by now. :laugh:
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Ok, now I'm sure it's water retention. I just gained another 4lbs in 4 hours! I had a protein shake this morning with an apple and a TON of water. I'm gaining weight like a rockstar! WTF? Ok, going to stay OFF the devil aka the scale! I wish I could get paid for retaining water. I'd be a millionaire by now. :laugh:

    Yes, but you're retaining water because you carb-loaded on top of a low carb diet, not just because you are a little dehydrated or ate too much salt one night. You will continue to have crazy swings like that unless you eat a moderate amount of carbs all the time.

    If you need to eat to control blood sugar, eat as many carbs as you can while still keeping sugar in check. Combine with protein and fat at every opportunity. I did this while I had gestational diabetes - twice.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Try incorporating some high potassium foods: banana, coconut water, kiwi, sweet potatoes etc. They all help reduce water retention. Also, watch your sodium levels. Are you eating a lot of processed/packaged things?

    As others have said: weigh yourself once a week in the morning before you eat or drink anything. Weigh yourself at that same time, every week. It's the closest to accurate you can really get on a bathroom scale.

    It's totally frustrating to watch someone else have an easier time losing weight. Don't let that shadow your successes! You made the decision to change. That decision is going to take time and dedication. You're stronger than you think!!!
  • sandefitz
    That's not entirely true - stressing over the number on the scale every day is not productive but I find weighing myself every morning keeps me accountable. I know the normal fluctuation of pounds based on my water intake, my aging digestive system and my time of the month - when it goes above or below it usually means I need to readjust.
  • Erica6130
    Erica6130 Posts: 34 Member
    :flowerforyou: so glad you pointed that out, they are going to allow the scale to put them in the psych ward:mad:
  • emjean76
    emjean76 Posts: 116 Member
    Just keep doing what you are doing. Your weight can fluctuate by 5 or more pounds from day to day, so quit weighing yourself more than once a week. And also take your measurements and a "before" picture. The scale is just a number. The true results will be seen in lost inches.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Are you eating 1400 calories in total daily, not following the correct MFP method of eating back exercise calories.

    So all that carb burning workout you are doing all week long, and eating very minimal carbs to actually replenish the stores, you are losing false water weight as majority.
    Of course, you are setting up your body to have to burn a tad bit of muscle mass too being that low carb with high carb burning activity.

    And then you finally eat enough or don't workout, the drinking didn't actually add glucose stores, but I'll bet it made you eat more, or forget what you ate, your body finally had something to store.

    Low carb shouldn't be used with cardio, unless you do total fat-burning HR zone workouts. Just asking for muscle mass burnoff.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ok, now I'm sure it's water retention. I just gained another 4lbs in 4 hours! I had a protein shake this morning with an apple and a TON of water. I'm gaining weight like a rockstar! WTF? Ok, going to stay OFF the devil aka the scale! I wish I could get paid for retaining water. I'd be a millionaire by now. :laugh:

    Yes, but you're retaining water because you carb-loaded on top of a low carb diet, not just because you are a little dehydrated or ate too much salt one night. You will continue to have crazy swings like that unless you eat a moderate amount of carbs all the time.

    If you need to eat to control blood sugar, eat as many carbs as you can while still keeping sugar in check. Combine with protein and fat at every opportunity. I did this while I had gestational diabetes - twice.

    Very smart advice here, that meal combo works great. For me, I even need to eat the protein and fat before the carbs to balance out the insulin response.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Thanks everyone. I'm sure it's water retention but still not fair. Men! They have all the luck!:grumble:

    IDK my husband's weight goes up and down a lot more from water retention than mine does. But, yes, he can lose fat faster if he tries.