Staying motivated??

So I have been on a weight loss journey for a while now and no matter what I do I just yo-yo on my weight. I believe it’s an issue of motivation and drive. I work 50+ hrs a week usually in a local hospital and after I get home I’m tired and not wanting to cook. I usually eat well for breakfast and lunch and then all falls apart at dinner cause I’m too tired or lazy to cook dinner after a long day. How do some of you guys stay motivated and get your drive back? Most days I don’t even wanna go to the gym. I go 6 days a week for at least 45 min a session. (3 days lifting and 3 days some sort of cardio)

Any help or advise would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    Motivation and drive are limited resources for everyone. You have to not rely on them. Don't worry about doing it perfectly, just get some options you enjoy eating and are easy to deal with AND won't blow up your calorie goals and get those options in front of your face and make them easy.

    My freezer always, always, has some tv dinners between 250-500 calories, and some frozen (91 lean) hamburger patties I can throw in the air fryer. The fridge always has some cottage cheese, yogurt and berries. I always have canned I have 'standard' orders at fast food places and drive thrus that fit my calories (and tbf those are mostly burgers, skip the fries, diet drink).

    You don't need to be 'in drive' and working hard. In fact, you shouldn't be. Find the things that will make it as easy as you possibly can so even when you don't care your EASIEST "screw it just eat" option is a tub of cottage cheese, rather than a bag of chips.
  • MichelleMcKeeRN
    MichelleMcKeeRN Posts: 450 Member
    I meal prep for when I plan to be busy. It makes it easy to just grab a dish and eat it.
    Almost all my cardio are things I enjoy: mountain biking, hiking, snowboarding.
    I enjoy strength training at the gym but I do longer sessions when it works for me. I found rigid regimens don’t work well for me. If today is back and bi day but I really want to do legs, I just do legs.
  • al0481113
    al0481113 Posts: 67 Member
    I work for 10-12 hours per day and I definitely understand that feeling when you come home and feel yourself dead. Only one thing helps me to stay motivated it's a wish to look nice))
    I hope your motivation will be strong enough to reach your goals!!!!!!!!
  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,674 Member
    Motivation and drive are limited resources for everyone. You have to not rely on them. Don't worry about doing it perfectly, just get some options you enjoy eating and are easy to deal with AND won't blow up your calorie goals and get those options in front of your face and make them easy.

    My freezer always, always, has some tv dinners between 250-500 calories, and some frozen (91 lean) hamburger patties I can throw in the air fryer. The fridge always has some cottage cheese, yogurt and berries. I always have canned I have 'standard' orders at fast food places and drive thrus that fit my calories (and tbf those are mostly burgers, skip the fries, diet drink).

    You don't need to be 'in drive' and working hard. In fact, you shouldn't be. Find the things that will make it as easy as you possibly can so even when you don't care your EASIEST "screw it just eat" option is a tub of cottage cheese, rather than a bag of chips.

    This ⬆️

    I think really the ultimate goal is to make it easier to make the positive choice than it is to make the "negative" choice. Willpower will ultimately fail. But we, as humans, will default to the easiest option. If the easiest option is a "positive" one, that's generally what we'll do.
  • linza7116
    linza7116 Posts: 18 Member
    There are several good tips here. To make it easy for me to chose (we do take the easy path) I compiled a list of things I usualy go for and their calorie, protean, fat, etc values. When deciding what to make I can check the list and chose. I didn't know coffee has calories, found that out when making the list. Its still a better choice than a Starbucks refresher.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,491 Member
    Try pre cooking dinner. Come up with something that just pops into the microwave.

    I made goal and maintain by making things as easy as possible. I’ve never been much for willpower, I try to plan my way around it.