Frustrated with...EVERYTHING!!



  • Gettinfit242
    Gettinfit242 Posts: 200 Member
    1. Agree with everyone else, you have to track it...ive doen that before where i swore i was eating good.. BAAAHAHAHA till i foudn out that "lowfat blueberry muffin from DD was 13 points on weight watchers!! when you are only allowed 29 points per DAY, that takes away a LOT! So yeah, you have to track to see what you are actually takign in, you will be suprised.

    2. its frustrating as hell! I did P90X, and was eating healthy, small portions, no junk, mostly veggies... and i tracked it daily...i busted my A** everyday working out...i got to week 5-6 and only lost like 1-2 pounds.. talk about MAD AS HELL! i was ready go give it all up to, but for some reason i didnt, my husband tlaked me into sticking with it.. well by week 8 i swear all that weight just came off... i dont know where, how, when, but i was down 13 pounds and 2 clothes sizes!!!!

    i know is annoying to not see those esults, but im telling you, keep doing what you are doing, and you WILL see the results.. one day its just gonna hit you!!!

    and LOG YOUR FOOD!!!!! :) LOL
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    To get right to the point, I am so frustrated with spending an hour a day in the gym doing cardio and now adding weight lifting into the mix and watching almost every calorie that goes into my mouth for over a month now to not see any changes. I'm discouraged and feeling down about this choice. Almost to the point that thinking this so-called lifestyle change was a huge mistake. I mean why not enjoy what I'm eating, since proper diet and exercise isn't doing anything to help me. I've stopped stepping on the scale to check my progress, because it hasn't budged a bit in a month. Sometimes I feel like I've made progress and then realize it's just my imagination. I'm so tired of seeing my friends lose weight in no time flat by doing the same thing I am. And I'm getting no where. My boyfriend says that he sees it in my butt and nowhere else. But of course, he sees me everyday. Friends that I don't see as often say that they can tell a little in my face and that's about it. But my clothes tell me I'm insane and this isn't working. I just want to cry, because I'm tired of beating myself up for nothing.

    My goal is to drop approx 75 lbs by April 2014. I am moving across country and I want to start fresh. A whole new everything. A new me. The trainer I just spoke with (and starting with in a few weeks) says it's definitely doable. Plus, I am going back to rollerderby when I get settled next spring after a 4 year hiatus and I want to be healthy for it. And strong. I'm not looking to be supermodel skinny, because I like curves mixed in with muscle. But my belly HAS to go and I'm struggling with that area. I don't know what to do to get rid of it. Because my daily cardio workout isn't doing anything at the moment. Pointers on losing bellies, anyone? I'm all ears at the moment. And could use the encouragement, since I am going to start pulling my hair out soon.

    been there done that. went through something very similar. was exercising all the time, started at 1 hour upped to 1.5 hours was exercising like mad, weightlifting, cardio yet my weight never budged. could figure out why especially because i was eating healthy, no junk food, very little processed food and again exercising.

    fast forward 2 years later (my lightbulb was out); i joined here and started to weight the exact same foods i had been eating for 2 years - ding ding ding my portion size was OUT OF CONTROL! i was eating double the portion on almost everything. once i changed that little bit the weight started to come off.

    until you decide to get smart about weightloss and start recording what you eat so you have a better understanding of what you are truly consuming, you're not going to loose nearly as much as you'd like.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    1. open your diary
    2. let me read it
    3. then I will help

    In all honesty, I don't really use the MFP food or exercise diary. I usually don't have the time to do it daily. Uhg. I know that I need to to do it, though.
    Seriously!?! fat/weight loss is caused by a calorie deficit but you are not tracking your calories therefore you have no way of knowing if you are in a deficit...also you cannot spot/target fat loss.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Track your food!

    Exercise is for your health more than weight loss, using a mixture of exercise and calorie deficit you will lose weight and improve your health! :)
  • DashDeV
    DashDeV Posts: 545 Member
    Eat less, move more.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    If you don't log, how do you know how much you're eating? :noway:
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    First of all, Don"t give up after only a month. If you are pre-diabetic, then it may take a little longer for you.

    Logging is so important, and it is the only way that you can truly be honest with how much you are eating and also what type of food that you are eating. Mfp has a huge library of food info, I.E. so if you type the word Starbucks, I am sure that you will find out what type of drink that you had that day. I occasionally have trouble when I eat out, but that's another story. Once you start logging regularly, it is like brushing teeth in the way that it becomes a habit. I use a kitchen scale to help measure the food. If my food is coming out of a package, I'll weigh it in grams because measuring cup are so subjective.

    Regarding time in the gym, and this statement is to help you--not to make you angry, but are you breaking a sweat? I go to the gym about 4 x per week, and see people who sit on the bench and spend time in the gym but are not really working out. Anyway, once you break a sweat, stay in that activity for at least another 20 minutes or half hour (optimal). After my workout, I am usually dripping in sweat, but when I was starting out, I only noticed sweat under the arms. It takes a while to get there.

    If you think you could use my help, you can add me as a friend. Good luck, and don't give up!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    1. open your diary
    2. let me read it
    3. then I will help

    In all honesty, I don't really use the MFP food or exercise diary. I usually don't have the time to do it daily. Uhg. I know that I need to to do it, though.
    Ding ding ding! You know the solution. If you don't log or track you might be over or under eating. Start tracking and let me have a look at it...


    MFP Smartphone app makes it so easy. Plus you can save meals that you make a lot and then it's 2 maybe 3 clicks.

    You have no idea what you are actually eating if you don't log. You could be eating too little or too much.

    If you know what you will eat for the whole day wake up 10 minutes earlier and log it all. It really doesn't take that much time. Heck, you could probably cut out your gym routine by 10 minutes and take that time to log. If you want to lose weight you have to look at the big picture. You have to see everything, all of it.
  • Emagique
    Emagique Posts: 17

    I don't know if someone else suggested this, but maybe because of the fact that you are training a lot, you are gaining muscle, loosing fat but not weight. You should take picture of yourself in your underwear from different angles every two weeks and in a month compare the first one and the last one I'm sure you'll see some change.
    Last advice, it helps to track calories, I wasn't convince at first but when I started to do it I realised that I though I was eating pretty clean and wasn't in reality.
    Add me if you want to talk, I'm still a work in progress but I know everything about busting my a** off and not see any result.
    Oh, and one more thing, it's not abnormal that someone who sees you every day doesn't see any difference...take pictures, or your measurment.

    (Sorry for my english it's not my first language). Good luck and keep going, you're going to see some results, it's science :)
  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    Since what you're doing isn't working you should start doing what worked for everyone who does it. Log your food (accurately). That's all the advice you need.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Not trying to be rude or snarky, but how much time did you spend typing all that out? You could have logged what you ate.

    I wish you all the luck in the world. If you really want to lose the weight, you'll start logging.
  • jakedner
    jakedner Posts: 186 Member
    Not to add to your frustration, but about 3 months ago I had a 6 week plateau of no change on the scale and what I thought to be minimal changes in my body composition. Since then, I have dropped a few more pounds, but in the last 6 weeks when I added some aggressive weight training to the mix (with the help of a trainer), I am on another 6 week weight loss plateau. I am however seeing some small changes in my body, but only because my trainer tracks my progress by measurements and body fat %.

    You won't have a chance at the fresh start or coming back to roller derby strong and healthy if you give up.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    In all honesty, I don't really use the MFP food or exercise diary. I usually don't have the time to do it daily. Uhg. I know that I need to to do it, though.

    this is your problem then... use MFP, weigh, measure and log EVERYTHING for a month and then come back if its still not working
  • DancingDreams1234
    Well no wonder you are not seeing results, you are not logging. So you are probably over eating, it's pretty shocking when you start logging your food and see how much you actually eat. :)
  • anubhavsharma18
    anubhavsharma18 Posts: 63 Member
    You never gained weight in 1 month, so you are not going to loose in 1. Keep doing good work, you are getting stronger.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    First off, congratulations on taking the steps to becoming healthier! I know it can be frustrating when things don't exactly go as planned.

    I want to try and find a way to say this that won't result in me getting a cyber beating...You don't need to track calories to lose weight. Yes, it absolutely helps, and big congrats to everyone who has had success in losing weight, tracking calories. You DO need an awareness of what you are eating and consuming, but it's not necessary to track every single calorie. How did they do it in the past when things like this weren't available?

    I didn't join MFP until I reached Maintenance mode. Yes, like I said, I did have a general idea of what I was consuming/burning every day but I didn't count calories(again, just want to make it clear that there is nothing wrong with counting calories to lose weight).

    If you know you're eating is mostly in check, may I ask what types of exercise you are doing? If you are spending an hour at the gym, but doing basically the same workout over and over, your body eventually falls into a routine, which results in your body not having to work as hard, which results in fewer calories burned. If you change up your workout frequently ,about every 4-5 workouts, you will always keep that body of your guessing, which means you are always making it work hard and blast those calories! Try to change up/amp up that routine of yours every 5 workouts to keep your body from falling into a routine.

    The keys that made me successful were: Portion control, healthier eating, exercise, moderation and substitution. I wrote a blog post that goes into more detail on how I incorporated all of those keys into my daily life. You are more than welcome to have a look:

    I hope this helps!

    Hang in there, girl. Frustration is all part of the process :smile: You are doing great, and I know I'll be reading your success story in no time!

    You can do this!
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    To get right to the point, I am so frustrated with spending an hour a day in the gym doing cardio and now adding weight lifting into the mix and watching almost every calorie that goes into my mouth for over a month now to not see any changes. I'm discouraged and feeling down about this choice. Almost to the point that thinking this so-called lifestyle change was a huge mistake. I mean why not enjoy what I'm eating, since proper diet and exercise isn't doing anything to help me. I've stopped stepping on the scale to check my progress, because it hasn't budged a bit in a month. Sometimes I feel like I've made progress and then realize it's just my imagination. I'm so tired of seeing my friends lose weight in no time flat by doing the same thing I am. And I'm getting no where. My boyfriend says that he sees it in my butt and nowhere else. But of course, he sees me everyday. Friends that I don't see as often say that they can tell a little in my face and that's about it. But my clothes tell me I'm insane and this isn't working. I just want to cry, because I'm tired of beating myself up for nothing.

    My goal is to drop approx 75 lbs by April 2014. I am moving across country and I want to start fresh. A whole new everything. A new me. The trainer I just spoke with (and starting with in a few weeks) says it's definitely doable. Plus, I am going back to rollerderby when I get settled next spring after a 4 year hiatus and I want to be healthy for it. And strong. I'm not looking to be supermodel skinny, because I like curves mixed in with muscle. But my belly HAS to go and I'm struggling with that area. I don't know what to do to get rid of it. Because my daily cardio workout isn't doing anything at the moment. Pointers on losing bellies, anyone? I'm all ears at the moment. And could use the encouragement, since I am going to start pulling my hair out soon.

    I find doing kettle bell exercises have helped me to decrease my stomach, especially my muffin top - those swings and exercises where you squat and lift your leg up to your chest works wonders. I use Paul Katami KB DVD. I use to look at least 5-6 months pregnant. I also eat very healthy and have lowered my sodium from 2500 mg to 1500 - my scale was not moving with such a high sodium intake. Some days my sodium intake never reaches 1000mg, and I drink at least 64 oz water along with 100% cranberry and water.
  • habsfan802
    habsfan802 Posts: 61 Member
    Rome wasn't built in a day. You didn't get this way in 30 days it's not gonna go away in 30 days. Never give up. Never never never quit. That's the key to success.