I need a support team

aleeshie Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I am 29 years old and I am here to lose a total of 156 pounds. I have lost 23 so far. I am working out a minimum of 90 minutes every day. I find that ammount of time at the gym equals about as many calories as I eat in a day. I have dieted before and have failed every time. This time I feel like I can do it. I have the desire, stamina, courage, determination, and knowledge to complete my goal. The one thing I am lacking is support. I have no kids. I love my husband but he has the worst eating habits. I work a full time job. At home I find it a bit stressing to have cookis, chips, ice cream and other fatty foods lying around because my husband eats them. I feel like he should be there to support me but at the same time I cannot make my goals his. So I have to bear the snacky foods everywhere. We only ususally eat dinner together. Most of the time he is munching on fast food and I am enjoying a healthy meal. But the smell of french frys and hamburgers is very distracting for my diet. Some days I end up making the same meal for both of us but his of course is loaded with the things I can't have like full fat sour cream and cheese. At work I have to endure the smell of fast food every time I am in the break room. The few times I have tried to get a co worker to join me in being healthy it has only lasted mere days and then they hit the bad habits again. I am pretty much the only over weight person in my family so I have no support there either. I actually get weird looks when I go to family get togethers and I bring my own food. It is as though I am offending someone by not eating the food. I need some word of encouragement. I need some advice. Please help.


  • All I can say is that you are doing this for yourself, so keep at it. MFP provides a great support team if you are ever having a weak moment/hour/day/week or whatever. Congrats on committing yourself to this change of lifestyle!
  • You Can Do It!! Think of it as a Lifestyle change though, not a diet. Diets never work .
    A Healthy Lifestyle stays with you forever :wink:
    As for your husband, he knows you want to lose weight and get healthy. So he should support you.
    If he wants snaks, why not healthy snacks in the house.
    My hubby was not trying to lose weight, but he knows I Need too. So instead of buying ice cream or chips,
    he is fine with granola bars, or mixed nuts. Fruit is good for some thing sweet!!
    and even if you do not want to take away your hubbys "foods" because he is not losing weight,
    It is good for you both to be healthy!! :flowerforyou:
    Best of Luck on Losing weight. I know you can do it. You have the support here!!:heart:
  • amscobra
    amscobra Posts: 73
    First off, Good for you for taking control of your life! I know it's hard, I have small kids and a Husband whom are all picky eaters. Meaning they don't like Healthy food! I am just starting my journey to lose weight, but I, like you need the support as well. Keep doing what your doing. Who cares what your co-workers/family think. They should be proud of you for taking this courageous step. Heck, I don't know you and I'm proud of ya. Add me as a friend, we can support each other!
  • mmwarner
    mmwarner Posts: 2
    First off...A huge congrats to you for making the choice to better yourself and to make yourself a healthier happier person! Thats a huge step in its self and way to go for continuing to press on when its so very difficult and there are so many temptations around you, including right in your own home! I know its not easy but you are doing so great and have already lost 23lbs...thats a huge accomplishment thus far!!! So be proud of your self for what you have done and are continuing to do, you can do it! Just keep reminding your self that you are doing all of this to make yourself a happier and healthier person in the long run and in the end it will be so very worth it! This may sound silly but it works for me, I post positive and encouraging sticky notes around my room, house, on the mirror, maybe on the fridge! They are great ways to remind yourself and to give yourself a bit of encouragement ! They dont have to be lengthy just something like..."You can do it", "I am choosing to be positive", "The lord is my strength", "I am a strong and beautiful woman!", etc...
    Anyways, I dont know you but I do believe in you and I do know that through Christ all things are possible!!! Hang in there girl, You have so many people on your side!!!:flowerforyou:
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    First off, good for you for taking control and deciding to make a change in your life. It's challenging for everyone to lose weight, and it must be even harder, facing challenges of fast food being everywhere. Your husband and family should both stand by you and support you. As for your husband eating snacky foods, while I understand you don't want to make your goal his goal, perhaps you can talk to him and ask him if he can support you by not minimizing your exposure to the snacks. Just maybe explain the challenges you face when you see it, it might help involve him more in your goal. When you're with your family and people question why you brought your own food, remind yourself what you're working towards. Remember, you don't have to be accountable to anyone but yourself.
    Stay strong, remember how well you have already done on your goal - 23 pounds is amazing! :drinker: Add as many people as you can, on here, to help provide yourself a support circuit (please feel free to add me)
    best of luck! :flowerforyou:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    Well 1) You are in the right place 2) You are doing a great job by taking the first steps. 3) Its going to be hard, but we are all here to support you and when you're ready, you can see if there is anyone on here in this area, to give you some physical support as well. Add me if you would like :D Keep your head up, stay strong YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • Your husband not supporting you will make this much harder, I am sorry. Maybe if you explain to him how difficult it makes it (non-judgementally and calmly) he will help at least temporarily. I have found if you tell people why it is important they will support you better. Remember, it is not how people look at you, but how you look at yourself that matters. For me I found that the longer I went without junk food, the ickier it was. I recommend 21 days off anything bad for you. After that junk food makes you feel icky if you eat junk, it also does not taste as good. You could send messages back and forth with me if you would like, I would help support you.
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    For me I found that the longer I went without junk food, the ickier it was. I recommend 21 days off anything bad for you. After that junk food makes you feel icky if you eat junk, it also does not taste as good.

    that is SO true. now, when my body craves salt, i think about chips and it just makes me sick. any bad stuff like that makes my stomach feel gross (except ice cream... but that's a weakness lol)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    You are doing amazing so far, just keep it up. You have come to the right place for encouragement and motivation It is really hard to be around other people snacking , My kids still want their snacks while I eat rice cakes, If you stick with it though after awhile the fattening stuff won't appeal to you as much. You can do it.. I also have alot to loose about 100 lbs, feel free to add me if you want
  • MzMolly
    MzMolly Posts: 169 Member
    I am so glad you are here! This is a wonderful site and if you put it to full use you will get great bennifits from it. The journaling is HUGE!! Make sure you do that every day and as accuratly as you can. Reaching out for support is great. I am going to send you a friend request. I understand needing to loose a large amount of weight. I need to loose 140 pounds and so far I have dropped 79!
    Ask your friends and family for help and support. I have found that when I ask for help my friends and family are more then happy to help. Maybe your husband just needs to know that you need his help.
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