What do I eat to get calories?



  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Yogurt or milk and a piece of fruit. Sometimes I have some peanut butter toast if I'm lacking in calories for the day.
  • roxie0920
    roxie0920 Posts: 41
    Thank you again, for all the good tips. I'm lactose intolerant, so I tend to stay away from very much dairy as it doesn't really benefit me. I'm not as worried about the fat in foods; I'm almost always under my fat goal, but MFP has my sugar set at 24 and I wonder if that isn't too low. It's really hard to get to 1200 calories without going over my 24-sugar. I'm not necessarily trying to loose weight, because I am at a healthy weight, but I would like to see some changes in my lower body. I figure less fat and sugar is going to help with that. But I've found I'm eating less because I'm afriad of fats and sugars, which I don't want to do.
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Fruit sugar has always been lumped into the bad category along with refined sugars. This should not happen. Your body needs the sugar from fruit - it is pure fuel!! I go way over my fruit sugar & never crash, feel bad, or depressed. I feel amazing!! However you shouldn't wait until the end of the day to eat your fruit - eat them first - set your day up properly so you are going consistently not just trying to sneak in calories at the end of the day. Start your day with a big fruit smootie & see how that effects the rest of the day.