Returning after a few years away

Well, I am back!!

I first used this app 11 yrs ago and was able to lose 105 lbs. A lot has happened since. Divorce. Renewed relationship with my kids. Two grandkids. Different job. Four surgeries. Eighty-five pounds put back on. Blood pressure and cholesterol meds.

My name is Jim and I am 47 yrs old. I work for the local school district in Oklahoma running the Alternative Ed and Virtual School programs for grades 6-8. I recently hung up coaching after being involved in athletics for 29 yrs. I have more free time now to take care of myself. I am working with my doctor to help me lose weight and we decided to do what worked the first time for me which is eliminating bread, pasta and rice, as well as using this app. I will do a combination of HIIT workouts and strength training, while walking 30-45 mins a day.

I am glad to be back in a community that is supportive. If you would like to support me, and I will support you as well, through here. Just add me.

Have a wonderful day.


  • Hi Jim!

    I am back as well! 5 years ago I was at my goal weight of 135lbs as a kid I had the hardest time to gain weight and never weighed more then 98lbs once children (3) came along that's when I started to gain weight 1st kid happy with the weight I put on 2nd kid also happy with the weight I had gained 3rd kid holy cow literally the weight would not come off. I also have high blood pressure and controlling it with meds.

    I lost weight and as you said life happens.. and gained all the weight back and then some, I am 46 years old and at my highest weight ever!!! 189lbs at the moment and hope to get back to my goal weight. I used this app as well as it helped me loose my weight back then and hoping I can do this again. Wish you luck on your weight loss journey.
  • Naturalrose77
    Naturalrose77 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Jim! I am back as well after a 8 year break. I have tried so many things with weight loss including medications. After screwing up my metabolism with all of the yoyoing, I am now trying to reverse it. I'm 44 years old now and my mindset is different. Life happens but I want to control everything that I can. Im ready to live freely and change my story.
  • Well, I'm back as well - whose knows how long it has been - but 3rd time should be charm. Need to be a role model for our granddaughter whom we are raising. She's a teenager and the refrigerator is her best friend. I would love to get rid of my "Budha belly", even my scale would like that. Every time I step on it, it goes into rotations - I swear it's laughing at me. I've crept up to a size 18 but my closet is a 12, either I get it off the weight or stand on the corner and say "I'll work for clothes. Encouragements only.
  • karen_2acds
    karen_2acds Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there! I'm just coming back too! Same issue....closet full if clothes and only like 4 pair of pants fit comfortably so sick if wearing same big all over it again! Good luck!
  • talltrees500
    talltrees500 Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome Jim feel free to add me
  • StvnMrtn_86
    StvnMrtn_86 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello Jim! Welcome back! I am restarting my journey to lose over 200 pounds. In 2012, was at my lowest and working towards lower. Moved to Oklahoma, got married, got divorced, though all that mess, gained all the weight I lost, plus an additional 130, just for good measure. Recently got out of a toxic job, am newly engaged, and really feel like this is my new chapter. As mentioned, also in Oklahoma! Feel free to add me, if you like!