
Is there any vegetarians out there? I have been one for just over three years now. I don't eat any diary (I'm allergic). I do though eat eggs and occasionally some goat cheese. Any tips on different things to eat or what your meal plans look like?


  • MakeLifeBright
    I have not had meat since last year. My Hubby and Daughter have also not eaten meat since then.
    We will never go back to meat!!
    We do not eat cheese very often, for myself almost never.
    We eat a lot of veggie burgers, beans,different rices, I Love Amy's foods. Lots of vegg and fruit.
  • MakeLifeBright
    I have not had meat since last year. My Hubby and Daughter have also not eaten meat since then.
    We will never go back to meat!!
    We do not eat cheese very often, for myself almost never.
    We eat a lot of veggie burgers, beans,different rices, I Love Amy's foods. Lots of vegg and fruit.

    ps. I dont eat any eggs meat fish anything like that though
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    my wife and i aren't vegetarians, but we eat a lot of vegetarian dishes. lately we've been having a lot of rice with different veggies, such as a bell pepper and some cut up onion or another favorite is with some pineapple and coconut. If either of these sound interesting, I can send you the recipe
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    I've been a ovo-lacto vegetarian for a bit over a month and its a good stage for me right now. I love eggs and dairy too much right now to give up but I only eat free range local eggs and as much organic cheese as possible
  • navstar
    navstar Posts: 113 Member
    I am not a vegetarian, but my mother in law is (has dairy but no eggs or fish) and I prepare all of her food, there are loads of recipes online, you might need to healthfy them a bit, I usually make Indian food (south Asian) and there are some really good vegetarian curries, the basic recipe is easy;
    Fry cumin and garlic till light brown, add in onions and suate till light brown and in your other spices (fresh Ginger, green chillis, turmeric, salt, and Garam masala) add in fresh tomato finely chopped, cook off for a few minutes and then add in which ever vegetable you want (you don't have to add tomatoes if you don't want to) cook till tender and add potatoes if you want, and cook till done. Finish with a sprinkle of fresh cilantro/coriander and eat with a chappati or wrap and plain low fat yogurt (helps with the chilli and the sourness compliments the garlic and Ginger)
  • inpeaces
    inpeaces Posts: 12
    I'm not a vegetarian right now but I was for 5 years, and sometimes old habits come back, as in I don't eat as much meat as the average person, just because I got so used to not eating it at all... The reason I quit actually was because I found myself gaining weight because I just couldn't get myself to stick to a healthy vegetarian diet, I ate a lot of pastas and such. Although I would never discourage anyone from going veggie I guess it's not for me, I eat a lot healthier as a non-vegetarian unfortunately.
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    I have been a vegetarian for over a year now. I do eat eggs and cheese. In every recipe site you will find a vegetarian option. I have never felt better. My daughter and her husband and 3 girls (son eats meat occasionaly) are also vegetarians. I use Wholefoods recipes a lot and allrecipes. I also just make up many of my own.