How often do you weigh?

How often do you think you should weigh yourself? I weigh usually in the morning and before I have eaten anything every second day or so. The thing that sucks is that the weight fluctuates and sometimes it has gone up for no apparent reason.


  • yweight2020
    yweight2020 Posts: 591 Member
    I weigh daily it has helped me stay in line on my 55 lb weight loss journey.
  • preshalin
    preshalin Posts: 52 Member
    I used to weigh weekly but sometimes on the day you weigh, the number could be higher due to fluctuations which would demotivate me. So now I do daily to my mind can adjust to the trend which helps me.
  • evilokc
    evilokc Posts: 262 Member
    i weigh every saturday. im more interested in the weight trend than the actual number. i do have a goal weight of course and im only 4lbs off of that right now. however as long as my weight is going down by any amount i feel like im on track and can rely more on the mirror.
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    Active weight loss phase: Daily weigh ins
    Maintenance or very slow weigh loss phase: Weekly weigh ins (at most, sometimes even longer)

    I'm a numbers person, I love to track data, but if I'm not actively trying to lose weight, I don't find the daily weigh ins helpful.
  • cryonic_273
    cryonic_273 Posts: 81 Member
    Daily after my morning dog walk.
    I prefer to weigh daily rather than weekly - as weekly creates too high an expectation for me thats a significant upset if theres not as much loss as id want.
    Daily means I watch trends and one bad day is easily forgotten about.
  • thaliay1
    thaliay1 Posts: 8 Member
    Every Monday!
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,651 Member
    Once a week after my morning walk and shower and then log the average of all weeks on the last Saturday of the month.

    I don't think anyone's touched on the no apparent reason for weight gain part. It doesn't seem like it's bothering you that much but it could be from too much sodium, not having eliminated waste, TOM, a new exercise routine, the scale being in a different place...anything really. 😀
  • westrich20940
    westrich20940 Posts: 889 Member
    When I was actively losing weight I started by weighing myself every week -- decided that wasn't going to work for me mentally and went to every other week.

    Now that I'm maintaining I probably have times where I weigh myself every other week but it's more like once/month just to make sure I'm not gaining/losing significantly.

    I DO NOT suggest weighing more than once per week (which I think for most is probably too much, unless it won't bother you that the scale goes up/doesn't go down). Weight loss isn't linear and never will be so why put yourself through the mental anguish if it causes that?

    Once every other day is not even really useful information to have. You have to look at overall, longer-term trends of your weight.
  • 200Karen
    200Karen Posts: 1,911 Member
    edited September 2021
    I weigh myself 3X a week
    But after reading the posts daily is sounding good with a weekly average
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    Daily- then I take the average of those daily weighing for my once a week tracking
  • fatoldladyonamission
    Daily here too. I know a little fluctuation is to be expected and it doesn’t knock me off track. I like having the data of both weight trends and food diary to compare along with knowing I retain water at certain times anyway. So every morning quick step on the scales and lots of nice data to follow. As long as the trend is downward over a month I’m happy.
  • penguinmama87
    penguinmama87 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I have just switched from weekly to daily as an experiment. I'm not going to lie, the fluctuations do bug me a bit now, even with the head knowledge about why they occur. I hope to become more comfortable with them, and use the data in the same dispassionate way I'm now able to do with calories in and out. It seems to be that's the experience for many of the posters here who do daily weighing so I'm optimistic. Just gotta stick through this somewhat awkward phase.
  • JMC3Terp
    JMC3Terp Posts: 2,803 Member
    Every morning. I get up, go to the bathroom, then weigh myself. Always in just a pair of boxers too to keep things as even as possible. Fluctuations happen and I get that can be frustrating. The reason I weigh myself daily, as opposed to weekly, is for accountability. If i binge, if I eat too much, I'm going to see it on the scale the next morning. If I were to weight weekly, or maybe twice a month, I'd feel more free to "cheat" and then make it up later but dieting really hard before my weigh in - that's not real dieting and it's also not healthy. Daily weigh ins keep me accountable.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Daily, which I long in to the Happy Scale app (iPhone.)

    Happy Scale has several features that help me deal with the fluctuations, which are huge for me. I blame perimenopause.
    • The trend line on Reports. And if the monthly average isn't all green, the yearly average is.
    • The Moving Average on Logbook. This is what I use as my "true" weight.
  • Mari8203
    Mari8203 Posts: 6 Member
    I weigh every morning after pee and before I consume anything. I also tape myself every sunday morning at the same time. I noticed that my weight fluctuates, but if I see my tape going down or staying the same I am good. It really is all a mind game. For me my end game is to get healthy!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Couple times per week...usually Wednesday and Thursday.