Eating too few calories?



  • PhoenixStrikes
    PhoenixStrikes Posts: 587 Member
    I also aim to eat 1200 cals a day. Stay the're doing fine. Patience my dear!

    See he as a point. When I started here I made a lot of the same mistakes, I ate around 1200 calories exercised 5-6 times a day and wondered why I wasn't losing weight. I was hungry, tired, grumpy and unmotivated to move. People suggested iI eat even LESS to force the weight loss! Thank goodness I listened to people like Trog and I started increasing my calories to at least 1500 a day before exercise. I started to feel like a human being again and had the energy to fuel my workouts. I finally bought a Bodymedia armband and found out I burn on average 2500 calories a day so by eating 1200 I was at a serious deficit. Now I go off my bodymedia readout and aim for a 250-500 calories deficit. That's a .5-1lb loss a week. In the last 2 weeks I've lost 4lbs by eating more but still keeping a deficit. Just not a 1300 calorie deficit that was starving my body.
  • MissMollyMN
    Thanks, I definitely think I'll up my cals to at least 1400 and see how that works.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I've been on a plateau for about a week or so, I initially lost 10-12 lbs (fluctuates) pretty easily, now it seems like nothing I do will tip the scale. I've been eating 1,200 cals a day and trying to net 1,200 with eating back exercise calories. Do you think I should shoot more towards 1400? I run anywhere from 2-4 miles 3-4x per week, eat extremely healthy and lift weights.

    Any advice on if I'm doing something wrong? My BMR according to MFP is 1,517
    It took me a year to lose my last 10lbs (sorry, I'm sure that's not what you wanted to hear!) - however, about halfway through that year, I dropped a full size, lost a bunch of inches and fat, all during a period of several months where my scale didn't really budge. And I was eating 1800+ cals a day - well ABOVE my BMR, but still below my TDEE.

    My workouts schedule sounds similar to yours - I run 3 times a week and do weights (and it's dumbbells at home, I don't have access to the big stuff!) 3 times a week.

    You should have a read through this topic: Great info there and links with step by step info on calculating your body fat percentage, BMR & TDEE. This is what I used to set my goals over a year and half ago, and have had my absolute best success with dropping the fat since doing so.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    You know that if you eat the calories that correspond to BMR+exercise burn you will be at a deficit still, right? Why are you eating so little?

    My BMR is the same as yours and I'm currently maintaining on 2400-2600 calories daily. Our workout schedules are similar too.
    You know that if you eat the calories that correspond to BMR+exercise burn you will be at a deficit still, right? Why are you eating so little?

    Because I am getting married in less than 2 months! Haha I am trying to lose these last 10 lbs but it seems impossible!

    Ah! Ok... got it. Yeah it's going to backfire on you if you keep trying with such a huge deficit. Try to bring it up a bit... try eating 1700/day for a week without adding exercise and see if you have a loss. I'm going to bet your body will relax.

    Listen to her. Shes pretty much the best ever.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Oh Brillmer... you're funny :D Nah I just am the same height, weight and have the same workout schedule as OP. I'd DIE eating 1200. Die. A slow and painful death haha.