Free Version: Creating New Food in "My Food"

Hi: I am currently logging my first meal ever. When I want to "add food" to a meal, I tap "ADD FOOD" and then use the scanner icon to scan my item. However, in order not to have to scan it every time I eat it, I am assuming to have ready access to that item in the future, I must put it into "MY FOODS." I can find no way to move a scanned item from its listing in my breakfast, to "MY FOODS." The only way I've found to put an item into MY FOODS is to go to a meal (like, Breakfast) > tap "ADD FOOD" > tap "MULTI-ADD +" button at the top > "Create a Food." When I do that it has me type in by hand everything about the food but there is no scanner option. I am discouraged that it seems I will have to either scan a food every time I eat it, or take the time to hand-create every food I eat frequently. Am I wrong? Thanks so much for any help.


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,943 Member
    edited October 2021
    When you've entered a specific food several times, you just need to type the beginning of the name and it will pop up as one of your frequent foods.

    Another option is to save frequent meals with the Meal function, that way you can save several foods together of you u usually eat them together.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,943 Member
    PS in the app, you can customize if the search bar gives you the most frequent foods or most recent, etc.

  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,117 Member
    Hi: I am currently logging my first meal ever. When I want to "add food" to a meal, I tap "ADD FOOD" and then use the scanner icon to scan my item. However, in order not to have to scan it every time I eat it, I am assuming to have ready access to that item in the future, I must put it into "MY FOODS." I can find no way to move a scanned item from its listing in my breakfast, to "MY FOODS." The only way I've found to put an item into MY FOODS is to go to a meal (like, Breakfast) > tap "ADD FOOD" > tap "MULTI-ADD +" button at the top > "Create a Food." When I do that it has me type in by hand everything about the food but there is no scanner option. I am discouraged that it seems I will have to either scan a food every time I eat it, or take the time to hand-create every food I eat frequently. Am I wrong? Thanks so much for any help.

    "MY FOODS" are foods that you create or edit. If you scan a packaged food and an entry comes up and you log it, you have not created or edited that food, so it won't be in "MY FOODS."

    However, as Lietchi points out above, once you log it, it's in your recent foods. Just top "ADD FOOD" and start typing the name of the food. In most cases it should only take three or four letters to bring it into view (it depends on how many foods you've logged recently with similar text strings. E.g., if you log a lot of foods with the same brand, don't type the brand. Type the specific food or flavor/variety.