I'm ready for a change! Who's with me????

Hello to the Community,

I'm new here ... just started a few days ago ... although I've been on the dieting merry-go-around for a long time ....
I'm trying to count my calories and exercise instead of doing some stupid diet that only lasts a few weeks ... let's see if the sensible thing works!!!

I want to lose weight to get control back in my life. Overeating has been an excuse for too long ... and there's always going to be one crisis or another and I can't keep turning to food to comfort me ... so I'm turning to exercise instead. It's been good so far!.

Now when I'm pissed (I'm married .. so I'm pissed a lot), tired (I have a child ... so I'm tired a lot), craving (well, I think I'm a food addict ... so I used to crave a lot) ... or ... whatever (I work and go to university ... so there are tones of whatevers going on at the same time) ... I go for a swim :happy: Ahhhhh ..... or a bike ride ::smokin: Ohhhhhh ..... and I feel better instantly.

So ... If you are juggling a million things like me ... and have decided to not give into food (junk food) ... then ... write me a line ... and we'll help each other keep at it ... one day at a time ....
