your childhood friends

more_oomph Posts: 112 Member
how did your childhood friends turn out?

are you proud of who they've become or did you excommunicate them because they voted for kanye west

one of my friends stabbed a kid in middle school in an act of gang warfare and now he's like this national park ranger and gives lectures on wildlife conservation. amazing.


  • Sofiapilla
    Sofiapilla Posts: 284 Member
    Just realized i have no idea what became of my childhood friends 🤔
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    I have no idea.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 12,635 Member
    The only childhood friend with whom I have any contact is now my best friend, but when I was a kid he was barely an acquaintance I knew from church Bible school. When I had moved out and had my own apartment, I sent a message to everybody in my email address list, which included Ben, inviting them to come visit. As I had moved a couple states away, I never expected any to actually come.

    But one did...Ben. In fact, he brought all his worldly possessions with him, because he thought I'd issued an invite to move in. As my apartment had a second bedroom and he was willing to split bills, I shrugged my shoulders and allowed him to stay. Over the next few months as roommates we became friends, and even though we now live several states apart again (military moved me, he stayed), we remain in touch almost daily and he's come to visit once a year. (My wife makes sure his "visits" remain "visits!" lol )

    As for how he's done, he's living off a combination of disability checks and tip money from delivering pizzas, but he is living on his own.
  • drinkhorlicks
    drinkhorlicks Posts: 53 Member
    I had no childhood friends
  • OpheliaCooter
    OpheliaCooter Posts: 1,635 Member

    A guy I was high school acquaintances with, wouldn’t call him a friend but he and his cousin murdered two girls in our small town. They’ve got a documentary about it now. He’s in jail so no redemption arc other than he said that he only helped get rid of the bodies.
    🤔 I don’t really know what happened with other people I was friendly with at some point other than they’re moms now. Moms and/or on meth. Everybody seems to be doing meth? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Having babies? 🤷🏻‍♀️
    I think one guy became a pilot so there’s that.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I graduated with 800 students and probably know what 70% of them are doing now due to social media. haha
  • CoffeeNstilettos
    CoffeeNstilettos Posts: 2,593 Member
    I've lost contact with most people I went to high school with except for 2 that I'm still really good friends with. As for the others... a few of them sent me friend requests on Facebook but they only wanted to suck me in their pyramid schemes.
  • Sofiapilla
    Sofiapilla Posts: 284 Member
    I've lost contact with most people I went to high school with except for 2 that I'm still really good friends with. As for the others... a few of them sent me friend requests on Facebook but they only wanted to suck me in their pyramid schemes.

    Okay but what’s not to love about selling leggings that double as a microfiber mop, nomesayin?