Too Ashamed of Being Fat to go to the Doctor



  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Just remember that the doctor sees people who are obese all the time. And if they didn't say something about it, then they probably wouldn't be a very good doctor! Just remember that this is a normal situation for them. I used to work at a harm reduction clinic and saw people on every known drug to man. But I'd still have to built rapport with the patients to make them comfortable enough to tell me about their drug habits. It wasn't shocking or unsettling to me-just another day at the clinic.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    The problem is, many doctors don't have the training on bedside manner. It is acceptable for your doctor to discuss your weight and potential issues with you. It is not acceptable to shame you, berate you, or blame your issues on your weight when they are not remotely related. The problem is that there are many doctors that respond in the following way:

    Patient: I am experiencing <insert issue here>
    Doctor: It is likely related to your weight, lose XXXXX.
    Patient: This issue just started yesterday, I have been feeling fine prior to this.
    Doctor: Well those issues can just jump up out of the blue. Eat less, move more. The pounds should come off. Bye.

    (months later)
    Patient: I have been working to lose weight, but this <your issue> persists
    Doctor: lose more weight, you haven't lost enough yet
    Patient: leaves feeling disheartened, and still hasn't resolved the issue.

    (months later)
    Patient: still have the issue
    Doctor: (after running tests). Oh you have issue XXX. Here is a treatment plan. Luckily we caught this now, it could have been much worse.

    Unfortunately the scenario above happens entirely too frequently. With sometimes serious consequences.
  • acyr1978
    acyr1978 Posts: 2 Member
    I, also, avoid the doctor due to fear of her saying anything to me about my weight! I have to go every three months but sometimes I stretch it as far as I can before I HAVE TO GO! Someday, I will feel comfortable about myself and I am well on my way! :blushing: