Howdy from Central Texas

I would have said just Howdy from Texas, but Texas is a big freakin state. Anyway, I used MyFitnessPal years ago and had pretty good success....then backslid. Now I've been diagnosed with diabetes so I figured this would be a good way to get back on the wagon. I've lost 17 pounds so far. Would love to make friends with people in my position (and maybe location) that I can have as moral support. I love a challenge so if anyone wants to make a competition out of it, let me know!


  • StvnMrtn_86
    StvnMrtn_86 Posts: 10 Member
    Howdy from central Oklahoma! I am also a recent diabetes diagnosee (Type II). Am sti just working at honestly logging everything before I make big changes to the food, itself, so my diary doesn't reflect being a diabetic. Baby steps. Lol. Feel free to add me, and best of luck on your new journey!