Fitness and weight loss after Hysterectomy

It’s been one year this month since I had my hysterectomy (ovaries,uterus,and cervix) it’s been a long road to just feeling normal and now I want to get back in shape and lose the weight I put on. Any others out there who are finding it difficult? I really want to lift weights again, I know to start back light , and not to over do it , but I’m having a hard time getting started again. What I once felt comfortable doing and I had confidence in feels lost. I feel embarrassed to go back to gym now. What has worked for any of you that might have had a hysterectomy?
Thank you for advice or just talking about it . ☺️


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,252 Member
    I didn't have a hysterectomy, but I did have bilateral mastectomies with no reconstruction.

    We're all different, so I can only comment on my own motivations and thought processes: I realized that I needed to really work at getting stronger and fitter, or I would probably not ever feel strong, energetic, or really happy ever again. I was very self-conscious at first (obese, out of shape, completely flat-chested (maybe even slightly concave?) . . . ).

    Forcing myself to start, then proceed slowly and manageably, led to good things in the long run, with patience and self-acceptance along the way. I came to recognize that other people weren't paying that much attention to me in group settings: They were busy feeling anxious or self-absorbed themselves, mostly. The issues were mostly inside my own head, and I'm 100% in control of what goes on in there (not that controlling it is always easy!).

    Wishing you a manageable path to a better spot, too!
  • Une_Poire
    Une_Poire Posts: 58 Member
    It sounds like it is more the re-starting an active lifestyle than the hysterectomy itself that challenges you. I had a total hysterectomy several years ago. My only weight related observation is that when I do put on weight now, it distributes differently. I was always a pear, and still mostly am, but I also see more weight gain in my belly than pre-hysterectomy. I think that would have happened had I hit menopause on my own, which wasn't too many years far off when I had surgery. And my muscle mass is not what it once was, but again, that may be due more to age and lack of strength training than directly to the surgery.

    Maybe ease back into working out with walking? And body weight exercises at home, workout videos. Things you can do easily to restore your confidence rather than feeling you must get right back in the gym. You will get there!

    I do not regret my surgery, it solved several issues that were significantly impacting my life. I wish you the best going forward!