No-Drama Diet Break

So after 4.5 months of steady (average 1.3lbs/week) weight loss, I took a month off, and did some travelling. I ate what I wanted, when I wanted. Swam a little. Walked a lot. And generally had a grand old time.

I got back yesterday and was bracing myself this morning for my first post-trip weigh-in - but I was pleasantly surprised. Only 5lbs went back on. And I'm pretty sure at least 2-3 of those pounds are just water retention from some very indulgent meals in the last few days! My guess is that by this time next week, I'll be pretty close to where I left off 4 weeks ago. Which is pretty amazing considering the sheer volume of pizza and ice cream I've eaten over the last month!

Anyway, diet breaks can be a good idea. Don't be scared of giving your body and brain a rest. I feel good, and I'm weirdly excited about getting back into my normal food and exercise routine. :)
