
Well starting back up on MyFitnessPal to get me through the final throes of my weight loss journey. Retired in December 2019 and weighed 221 pounds. My goal was to lose 61 pounds by the end of 2022. I now weigh 177 pounds so I have lost 44 pounds. I chose my goal of 159 pounds since this would give me a normal BMI. But ultimate goal is 150 pounds which is 27 long pounds away. I have been struggling for last two months and just need additional tools to get to the finish line. I am very active and ride my bike for 13 miles 3 days per week, do cardio/strength training 3 days per week, I am fasting intermittently (1500 calories per day and eat first meal around 10 am and last meal by 5 pm. No food after 6 pm and I am eating pretty clean with lots of protein (chicken and fish), veggies and fruit. I am also starting back up running on November 1st after getting the green light by my orthopedist (had knee replaced three years ago). I am more excited about this then anything else. I miss running so much. I only plan on training for 5ks which will take me about 8 weeks. I believe in taking my time with major changes. I needed to learn new eating habits and stick with them, be accountable, and slowly build up my current exercise regimen. I cannot afford any injuries. Really excited about reading the message boards and findings tips and tricks that will help me out.