Exogenous ketones

Hi everyone I knew to the community tab so please excuse me if this post is in the wrong category. I am experimenting with exogenous ketones for health reasons and follow a low carb diet (not for weight loss).
I am unsure where to record ketones when tracking my intake. Technically the box nutritional details says 0g fat. 0g carb. 0g protein. The calories are from ketones which the company (as do many) feel is a 4th macro. Ketones are derived from fat so I wonder whether to count them towards my fat in take for the day e.g. 13g BHB ketones could be recorded as 13g fat. What do others do?


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    I dont believe there is a place to record ketones specifically.

    MFP is designed to log CALORIES. So you would log the CALORIES (log the weight of your item by gram via food scale weight), and ensure the entry you are using is ACCURATE and has the accurate fat grams, and use that as your ketone guide/log. if that makes sense.